New Perspective

"Oh." Harry said. He would normally use Legillimency, but he felt that it would be an intrusion upon his wife's privacy- so, he attempted to resist the urge. However, her emotions were so strong that he could feel the overpowering wave of guilt coming from her. For some reason, the guilt was joined by jealously as well.

Apparently she had expected more than an 'oh' from him and after giving him a short period to respond continued on loud and awkwardly. "Well? Is that all you have to say? I killed him!"

"But you're my wife. I love you." Harry said, at a loss for words, not quite sure what could be said to calm her down and assure her of his good feelings for her. She may have done the deed, but it was he that had led Sirius to the Department of Mysteries. Not only that, a stunner had been used, not the Killing Curse. Besides, he had realized that there was no point in living in the past. It saved one a lot of anger and misery to look forward.

"I'm your wife only because of a stupid accident." Bellatrix screamed. "If you had been in a position to choose, would you have married your godfather's murderer? If someone had killed a person I loved, I would despise them for as long as I lived! I would torture them and then kill them."

Harry shrugged. He did have to admit that they were in some unusual circumstances. "It's in the past though, isn't it? If we love each other, it doesn't matter. I love you, don't you love me?" He whispered.

Bellatrix then began to cry uncontrollably. "Yes, I love you with all my heart. I would die a thousand times for you. It's the least you deserve from me. You're a good person with kindness that comes naturally to nearly everyone you meet. I don't deserve you."

The guilt didn't seem to be quite as violent as it had been before, but jealously was coming off in waves now. She was jealous of Narcissa for some reason. "What does your sister have to do with this?" Harry asked.

"She never was a Death Eater." Bellatrix mumbled despondently. "She never killed a soul in her life. Pride is a major failing of her character, but at least she isn't evil. Her husband beat her." Bellatrix's voice then gained some strength. "I've killed and tortured innocents! I deserve to be hit, punched, and slapped repeatedly. Not her. It isn't fair." She then burst into a fresh fit of tears.

Harry finally gave into the temptation to use Legillimency. The most obvious thing that popped up was her extreme quilt for Sirius's death. She also felt guilty for having a better husband than Narcissa formerly had possessed because she felt that her sister was a better person. Despite this, she fiercely regarded Harry's as hers and hated herself for that. She thought that she was being selfish. Her greatest fear and jealously seemed to be that Harry might like Narcissa better.

He walked over to her and took her head in his hands and forced her to look at him. "The fact that you feel guilty shows that you aren't evil. You love me and that's the greatest thing anybody could give me. Your crimes are in the past and I don't hold them against you." he said forcefully. "I love you and you alone. You're the queen of my heart." He then kissed her lightly on the lips and then pulled back to see how she would react.

Bellatrix's violet eyes looked back at his green ones blankly. The only difference in her that Harry could discern was that the jealously had been wiped away and that her guilt had drastically faded. A trace that would likely never go away remained. He didn't think that it would overpower her though.

Abruptly, she raised her arms and shoved Harry forcefully onto their bed. Before he knew what was happening, she was on top of him and kissing him passionately as her hands clutched him as tightly as possible.


Narcissa finished buttoning up one of the robes that she had found hanging in the wardrobe. The room that Mrs. Higgin had led her to was not particularly large, but it reeked of elegance and wealth in an obscure sort of way. It was too bad that the robes, which fit her perfectly, were not quite as fancy as she had come to be accustomed to.

The narrow window near the average-sized bed soon attracted her attention and she stepped over to look out of it. Though it was too narrow to really get a good view, it became apparent that the castle that Harry Potter and her sister resided in was on a bleak island which would be rained on in the near future.

Harry 'The-Boy-Who-Lived" Potter and her sister. Despite her attempt to get it out of her mind by doing various things such as combing her hair, eating lunch, and changing her clothes, she couldn't get the thought out of her mind.

What was going on with Bellatrix? What attracted her to the shorter-than-average boy? Through indirect study, Narcissa had been able to see that Potter seemed to have developed some wiry muscles and looked slightly older than his sixteen years. Not necessarily very attractive though. Maybe it was the green eyes. They made her rather uncomfortable, but maybe Bellatrix found them to be intriguing. Narcissa decided that she would never be able to feel at ease in the presence of Harry Potter.

It would certainly be interesting to find out what was going on between the two. She sighed and decided to lay down on the bed. Not only was Harry Potter her brother-in-law, he was now her guardian. She desperately hoped that it was a good thing. Did he hold grudges? Probably. Would he let her get away with what she wanted? Probably not.

A knock sounded on the door and Narcissa sat up on the bed alarmed. Potter had said that he or his wife would be having a 'discussion' with her sometime after lunch. Narcissa wasn't sure who she preferred it to be. A meeting with Bellatrix would be awkward, one with Potter would be frightening. "Come in." she squeaked.

The door opened and Bellatrix entered alone looking considerably more pleasantly disposed than when they had parted a couple of hours earlier. She shut it behind her and studied Narcissa who was sitting on the bed looking like a startled animal. Both sisters looked different from what they remembered.

Bellatrix observed that Narcissa appeared to have aged a little. She had made every effort to maintain her good looks though. Her blonde hair was still as captivating as it had been at Hogwarts and her figure had not wasted away either, though her curves had never been as good as Bellatrix's.

Narcissa was shocked to see that Bellatrix appeared to be at least ten years younger than she was supposed to be. Her face had lost the signs of aging that came with growing older, her hair which was done in a pony-tail was more vibrant and healthy than it had ever been, and her violet eyes glowed with a happiness that few ever achieved.

"I suppose you're wondering how it is that I'm married to the arch-enemy of Lord Voldemort." Bellatrix said, to start the discussion.

Narcissa nodded carefully. Bellatrix seemed to be perfectly happy and content, but the whole marriage thing could actually be a touchy subject. Bellatrix's attitude back at the bank certainly indicated that this was the case, but such hints had vanished.

"After killing Sirius," Bellatrix explained, "I felt an extreme sense of guilt and resolved to try and make some sort of restitution. I began to send secret information to Harry . . ." The story continued to detail Azkaban, their impromptu marriage, and covered their actions since. ". . . and now you're here." she finished.

"So you're no longer a Death Eater then." Narcissa asked doubtfully. The whole story seemed to fantastic to be real, but she couldn't help but feel grudgingly pleased for her sister's good fortune.

Bellatrix nodded, her eyes bright with unshed tears of joy. "I've been given another chance to do good at the side of the best man in the world." She abruptly pulled her sleeves up to reveal a pair of unblemished wrists. "The Dark Mark is gone too."

"When did that happen?"

"After I arrived here."


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