Cloaked in Shadows

Xerina smiled happily at him. "I can see that you are happily married however. Anyway, the point of the story is that now that your line has been restored to its dominion, we will automatically gain power and strength from your presence. The Ice People welcome you back, my lord. Our armies are most anxious to serve you."


"Yes, we train extensively in the arts of war; it's what we're best at. We wouldn't dare venture from the North unless you led us however. It wouldn't be safe. Our power is only effective against wizards and witches when a wizard is at our head, and you are the only one we would follow."

"I see." Harry said.

Xerina stood up and led them to a pair of pure glass doors that led out onto a balcony. "It's time to meet the Ice People, my lord. We are the most numerous and loyal of the North and we live to serve."

She opened the doors and stepped out onto the balcony with Harry and Bellatrix at her side. Harry quickly observed that they were quite high up over a gigantic city square that was filled to capacity with an overflow going down many main streets. They were all looking at him and the Queen expectantly.

"People of Savvire!" boomed Queen Xerina IV's magically enhanced voice. "All Hail Harry James Potter- the Earl of the North."

Cheers sounded, silver confetti dropped from everywhere, and fireworks were set off. Harry was pleased to see that they accepted him wholeheartedly, although he was worried that he might go deaf.


Harry inspected the seven Ice soldiers that Queen Xerina had insisted escort him back to Nair'icaix and to remain his bodyguards on permanent assignment while his wife watched from the background. According to Xerina, they were the most highly skilled of the top divisions in her army. They had not demonstrated their skills as of yet, but when they walked, it reminded Harry of cats stalking their prey.

Despite Harry's friendly overtures, they remained as formal as ever and now stood in a straight line as their pale eyes watched Harry. Their uniform consisted of silver robes that seemed to flow like an Invisibility Cloak, black breastplates, shin-guards, and dragon-hide boots. All seven had their silver hair cropped into similar styles.

After satisfying his curiosity he addressed their leader, Captain Nailoff. "We'll Apparate into the main entrance point at the Ministry of Magic. Once we do that, our goal is to look as imposing as possible. I don't expect any trouble. However, if anything happens- follow my lead."

Nailoff nodded to show that he understood. "As you wish, my lord."

Bellatrix stepped forward and cast some charms on Harry and his cloak as soon as he pulled the hood over his head. Harry was dressed in pure black with a hood that hid his face from view. Bellatrix had also suggested that he wear black gloves to further disguise him. Overall, Harry decided that he would not like to meet himself in a dark alley.

"Do you remember everything that I told you?" she asked.

"Yes, but I wish that you would go with me." Harry answered. Bellatrix had spent endless hours telling him precisely how to manipulate Fudge and how to counter every possible move he might make.The plan was to blackmail him with certain documents that she had somehow gotten her hands on. If Fudge wouldn't cooperate with him, he would publishthem in the Daily Prophet, which he now owned.

She shook her head. "Not this time, Harry. It would spoil your appearance. A disguised woman is much more interesting than a disguised man. If I came with you this time, you would have to share his attention with me."

"I don't mind sharing."

"That's not the point." she said as she pecked him on the lips quickly. "Be sure to tell me about it when you get back though."

"I will." Harry promised. He pulled his Black Ash wand from his cloak and gave it a short wave in order to Apparate. He had gotten to the point where he didn't really have to vocalize his spells all that much.

He reappeared in the Ministry's atrium and seven similar pops behind him signified that his bodyguards had safely arrived behind him. Quickly returning the wand to his cloak, he arrogantly strode past the security desk with its shocked guard, and ducked into an empty elevator.

As soon as the doors closed, he used his wandless skills to sense the mechanics of the spells that operated the elevator and manipulated them to skip the floors between the atrium and the floor Fudge was on.

The elevator zoomed toward its destination and arrived with a jerk. The doors clanged open to reveal a large area filled with desks filled with various aides and assistants. They all looked up to see who the arrival was and were shocked to watch as a hooded figure and seven strange looking men stepped into the room.

Harry spied a large set of double doors and correctly assumed that they led to Minister Fudge's office. He and his bodyguards effortlessly passed through the sea of workers who were only now beginning to protest his presence.

With a little wandless magic, the double doors slammed open with a crash and Harry was admitted into a plush reception room. Percy Weasley was sitting at one of the few desks in front of the door that led to Fudges office and he stared at the entourage in a rather shocked manner.

He soon regained his countenance and put a very self-important expression on his face. "The Minister is quite busy at this moment. I'm afraid that you will have to schedule an appointment for some later time."


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