Dark Designs

"ENOUGH!" Dumbledore said loudly. "We will get nowhere if we continue to argue like this. Tonks, Moody? You two are Aurors, what are your opinions as to Lord Polairix's alignment in regard to Dark or Light? Is Polairix a Dark wizard?"

After observing Snape discreetly shake his head, Tonks answered. "He certainly hasn't done anything that is against the law. For now, let's give him the benefit of the doubt."

Before anyone could object, Moody added his support. "Being imposing enough to convince Fudge to do something isn't a sign of anything at all. Innocent until proven guilty. I assume that you've already had Fudge tested for the Imperious Curse and found it to be negative."

"Fudge isn't under any sort of curse right now." Dumbledore stated. "I propose that we bide our time and see what happens. If any of you hear anything about Lord Polairix, report it to me. We need him on our side if we want to bring Voldemort down. Any other business?"

Kingsley Shacklebolt raised his hand. "Fudge is still having us search for Harry Potter and Bellatrix Black. There have been no sightings whatsoever of the two prisoners, separate or together.

"Harry didn't know how to swim." Ron said darkly. "He probably drowned. At least, I hope he did. That traitor."

"Ron!" exclaimed Hermione. "Don't talk like that!"

"I'm intrigued by the escape, actually." Arthur Weasley said. "Both he and Bellatrix Black at the same time. There's no doubt that they were working together. Sirius escaped from Azkaban, but only because he knew he was innocent."

"Your point?" asked another Order member.

Mr. Weasley looked ruffled. "Just thinking." he mumbled.

"What would we do even if we did find Harry and Bellatrix Black?" Hermione asked. "Lord Polairix is taking over Azkaban. Could we trust him to keep Harry imprisoned?"

"Just kill him and be done with it." Ron growled.

Snape raised his eyebrows in surprise. Young Ronald was turning into an unmitigated idiot faster than he could count to ten. Maybe young Weasley needed some humbling. "How is your Defense Association coming along? I'm sure all ofus here would like to see as many Hogwarts students as possible trained for Defense."

Ron turned red as a beet. "Well, there's been a bit of a snag there." he mumbled, not quite so puffed up as he had been.

"What kind of snag, Mr. Weasley?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"The students are no longer coming to our meetings." Hermione announced on the behalf of Ron who was looking too embarrassed to do answer for himself. "It's probably because Harry isn't in charge anymore. He did have popular appeal."

"Curious." Dumbledore said.

Hermione looked around at the people sitting at the table. They didn't seem to impressed with them. Maybe one of her own observations would save them face. "I have reason to believe that certain students have formed their own Defense club. I don't know who's in charge, but students seem to disappear for an hour or two at least once or twice a week."

"What?" Ron sputtered in surprise. "Someone else has stolen my position?"

"It would seem that way." Snape sneered at Ron. The git deserved to be brought down a few pegs. And he had always thought Potter to be arrogant. Now Potter was quite possibly the most powerful wizard in the world and he was ten times less arrogant than Weasley.

"Discreetly look into this." Dumbledore said to Ron and Hermione. "Try to find out precisely what's going on. I'll put Severus here in charge of the investigation. If you find anything of significance, report it to him. If there is a club, they won't be suspicious that way."

Snape's lips quirked as he looked at Ron and Hermione. "Good luck."


As the sun set, Harry took a good look at his watch with satisfaction. Seven o'clock. By now the Aurors were leaving Azkaban and his wardens and Ice soldiers were instituting control over the island. Upon hearing about Azkaban, Xerina had promised to send more soldiers to help Harry in the morning. For now, the squad that had been acting as Harry's bodyguards would run Azkaban with the wardens.

He was soon joined by Bellatrix who stood next to him and watched the sun set over the dark blue sea as it crashed against the rocks that made up the island Nair'icaix sat on. Watching the sunset was something the couple had taken up.

"Any trouble with Narcissa?" Harry inquired. The past few days had seen some misbehavior from her despite the fact that she somehow managed to get her assigned chores done. After her outburst the day before, Bellatrix had volunteered to deal with her privately. Whatever she had done must have worked.

"None whatsoever." Bellatrix answered with a grin.

Harry nodded idly. Now that Narcissa was concentrating on the task at hand, she might be able to learn something about 'servants' and Muggles. "That's good."

There was a long pause during which Bellatrix took Harry's hand as the sun dipped below the horizon. She was about to say something when they were interrupted by Tess who came running down the hall, panting heavily.

"My lord- Azkaban is under attack!"


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