Decoy Distractions

Hermione wrote the last word on her history essay with a flourish and smiled. The last of her homework was officially finished and she would have the rest of the weekend to relax with herself and Ron. She looked across the table at Ron who was playing with a Quidditch model as he planned for the next game.

She was just about to ask him about his game plans when the portrait hole opened to admit Professor McGonagall who looked to be in a panicked state. "Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, please report to Professor Dumbledore's office immediately. Bring your cloaks and a wand." The aged professor then left.

Without wasting a single moment, both Ron and Hermione leapt up and ran to their separate dormitories to retrieve their cloaks before running with each other down to the Headmaster's office. When they arrived they found several Order members gathered., Professor Dumbledore had just began to address them all when they arrived.

"Death Eaters are attacking St. Mungos as we speak. I don't think I need to describe the potential casualties that could occur. A team needs to be immediately assembled to assist the Ministry in putting the attackers down."

"We can go!" Ron volunteered as Hermione nodded fiercely. "It's not as if we can stay behind to help with any casualties or to deal with Ministry officials."

Several other Order members volunteered and then Dumbledore assigned other to stay behind in his office to keep latecomers appraised as to the current situation. "Send Moody and anyone else with fighting skills to St. Mungos when they arrive." he directed as he made a Portkey to take them all to the front entrance of the hospital.


"What kind of company?" Neville asked as he quickly drew his wand and stood up from his parent's card table.

Parvati looked behind her before answering. "Death Eaters. I don't know how many. Lavender and I managed to stun a scout that came up to this floor. From the racket downstairs, I would estimate that there are quite a few."

Neville bit his tongue to keep from uttering a curse. How could the Death Eaters be so mean as to decide to attack a load of helpless wizards and witches in a hospital? There were probably children too. Goose bumps popped up all over his skin as he realized that the Death Eaters were probably here for his parents.

"They'll be coming up to this floor eventually." Neville announced as he stepped outside into the hall with Parvati to join Lavender who was looking up and down the hall with a panicked look on her face. "You two can take the Portkey back to Hogwarts, I'll stay to help defend."

Parvati stiffened for a moment and then shared a glance with Lavender before speaking. "We're staying with you, Neville. We want to help defend the hospital and your parents just as much as you do."

"If that's what you want." Neville said with a little hesitation. He took a look down the hall. "Which way would the Death Eaters come to access this floor? Can they get up from both ways?"

"I don't think so." Lavender said slowly as she gestured toward the mostly empty hallway. "I don't think that they can get up here from that way."

Neville smiled. "That's a small relief." He then turned the opposite way and briskly walked toward the staircase. Parvati and Lavender promptly made to follow him, but as soon as they got close to the staircase, a Death Eater came rushing up. "Stupefy!" cried Neville.

The Death Eater taken by surprise didn't even get his own curse shot off before he fell. "Round one for the good guys!" Parvati crowed.

"Very funny." Neville said dryly as they clambered down the staircase. They didn't meet any other Death Eaters until they reached the next floor down. "Don't let yourselves get too distracted while fighting."


The Portkey activated and Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, and several other Order members found themselves on the main floor of St. Mungos in the middle of a massive skirmish between Death Eaters and the small hospital staff.

"Stunners at will." Dumbledore commanded. "Try to take as many of them alive as possible. Make sure that their fellow Death Eaters aren't able to revive them though."

Without waiting another moment, Ron and Hermione jumped into the fight, fiercely shooting off stunners and other hexes at every Death Eater that could be seen. Hermione noticed that the Death Eaters seemed to be falling a little too easily to the forces at hand. She shrugged this off as she zapped another masked and cloaked figure into oblivion.

In just a few moments, everybody wearing black with white masks was down and Ron was madly laughing at their fallen opponents. It was then, that Hermione noticed three people that should not have been there. "Neville? Parvati? Lavender?" she questioned loudly.

This drew the attention of Professor Dumbledore who quickly spotted the three Hogwarts students as well. "Mr. Longbottom, I must ask what you and your two friends are doing here."

"Just thought that we could lend a helping hand." Parvati said, smiling rather nervously.

"I don't remember you coming with us." Ron said fiercely.

Dumbledore motioned for silence with his hand as he studied the Neville and the two girls intently. "You were here before the attack begun, weren't you? I assume that you heard about your parent's improved condition and decided to visit them."

"So what if I did?" Neville asked, knowing full well what Dumbledore would say, but still feeling belligerent nevertheless.

"You are in violation of several school rules!" Dumbledore said coldly. "You could have been injured or even killed. Make no mistake, Mr. Longbottom, Miss Patil, and Miss Brown- you are all in serious trouble for leaving the school grounds like this. As soon . . ."

The sentence was left uncompleted as an extremely loud explosion rocked the foundations of the hospital. Despite the fact that all the Death Eaters seemed to be down, someone was still firing curses at something. Everyone except Dumbledore froze, waiting for it to happen again.

The aged professor swiftly made his way to one of the fallen figures and ripped a mask off to reveal a featureless blob for a face. "Dummies!" Dumbledore exclaimed angrily. "The hospital is still under attack! These were only decoys!"

Everyone started to get ready for another round, but Neville, Parvati, and Lavender were interrupted by Dumbledore. "You three will be returning to Hogwarts immediately. As soon as you get back we'll deal with your delinquency." He then shoved a foot long stick into their hands. "This is a one-time emergency portkey. Say the name of the place you want to go and it will take you there. Now go back to Hogwarts and wait for me in my office."

"Do you really think that you can face this attack with your forces alone? I doubt that the Ministry will do anything in time." Neville asked defiantly.

Professor Dumbledore refused to answer, but the looks that the Order members were shooting each other was evidence enough of their lack of capability to face a full fledged Death Eater attack. Another explosion punctuated Neville's conclusion.

"That is none of your concern. You are not qualified to fight in a situation like this. Now go!" Dumbledore said to Neville.

Neville grinned cheekily. "I'll go." He then made sure that Parvati and Lavender had a firm grip on the Portkey. Seeing that this was the case, he said the name of his destination quietly. "Nair'icaix."


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