The Ministry's Accusation

"For the past several weeks, the House of Polairix has been purchasing a great deal of stock and ownership in companies. As of several weeks ago, the House of Polairix purchased complete control of the newspaper. Which reminds me Kingsley . . ."


"The Ministry will only be able to look into the missing patients situation from a possible kidnapping standpoint. Meaning, that you can't do anything for twenty-four hours. Harry owns controlling shares in the hospital." Dumbledore announced. "That means that you have to have his permission to start investigating who took who from the hospital before the twenty-four hours is up."

Hermione blinked. Since when did Harry have so much money and financial sense? Was Bellatrix Black, who had escaped Azkaban the same night he had done so, helping him? Or was it someone else? She ignored that questions and spoke up. "We'll worry about informing the public of the danger then. Patients of St. Mungos can come later." she said, hoping to head off another heated discussion.

"Perhaps we could get an article in the Quibbler." Ron mused. "Luna was certainly helpful enough last year."

"Helpful to Harry." Hermione reminded him. "I don't think that it would work. She's been slightly distant toward us this year."

"There's the Wizarding Wireless Network." Mrs. Weasley informed everyone. "Everyone listens to that all the time."

Dumbledore nodded. "It's settled then. We'll send messages about Harry over the WWN." He then looked at Ron and Hermione. "You two were his friends, so you'll be more convincing. Would you two consent to making a message for us to use?"

Ron and Hermione both nodded, not realizing how much they would come regret agreeing to the proposition.

"Good." Dumbledore smiled. He then stood up and looked at everyone. "This meeting is adjourned. I will be inviting a select few of you to a special meeting at a later date in order to discuss the ramifications of Harry's succession to the Seat of the North."


"Maybe they're right." Harry mumbled, barely able to talk through the waves of relaxation and pleasure that Bellatrix's nimble fingers were effectively sending through his body. "What would my mum think of me? Have I dishonored her memory?"

Bellatrix snorted, but did not stop the massage. "Have you done anything wrong? Like kill innocent people? Have you stolen money? Have you told lies about your friends?"


"Then you have nothing to be ashamed of, Harry."

A smile crossed Harry's face as he enjoyed his special treatment. Bellatrix had effectively drawn out the stiffness in his body as she drew out his emotional pains. Deep down, he had know all along that he was doing the right thing and that everything Dumbledore, Ron, and Hermione had said were hogwash, but it felt better knowing that someone he cared about agreed with him.

"That's it. All done." Bellatrix announced.

Harry overcame the urge to fall asleep on the massage table that she had conjured using the House-Sprite magic and stood up, wrapping the towel around him securely. "Thank you." he said gratefully. "How much do I owe you?"

"Well . . ." she said, grinning mischievously, "you can give me a massage when-"

The door to their suite opened and Tess walked in holding a small radio. "I'm sorry to interrupt, my lord, lady, but I think that you should hear this." she announced grimly. The radio was set down and Harry's assistant twiddled with the knobs a bit before the signal came through loud and clear.

". . . and for those of you just joining us, we have some very critical and breaking news." the announcer said in a serious voice that barely hid his own excitement at being the one to help proclaim a big news story to the public. Harry and Bellatrix glanced at each other nervously. It couldn't be good.

"In a shocking report released by the Ministry of Magic, it is revealed that during the Christmas holiday and while home with his aunt and uncle, Harry James Potter- The Boy Who Lived- was arrested and convicted of the mass murder of Muggles living on his home street of Privet Drive in Surrey. Even more shocking is the fact that Potter and another prisoner, Bellatrix Black, escaped Azkaban shortly after his imprisonment on the island."

Harry growled as his hackles rose, but he stopped when Bellatrix laid a calming hand on his arm.

"After his escape, the Ministry believed that Potter and possibly Black- formerly Lestrange, intended to flee to another country and forget about Britain. However, significant evidence suggests that Potter masterminded the attack on St. Mungo's hospital that has left all of its patients missing."

"We'd better see to getting them back." Bellatrix sighed and looked at Tess who signaled that she would see to it as soon as possible while Harry muttered about people too blind to see Death Eaters running amok.

The broadcast continued. "Due to the fact that Potter was unmasked at the hospital attack, law-enforcement officials believe that he no longer intends to play his hand from behind the scenes. The public is warned that Harry James Potter is armed with a wand and is dangerous. Any sightings of him are to be reported immediately. Watchers are also advised that Potter has a small army of followers who are very proficient in magic. No one should approach them if they are spotted. The public is also advised to watch for Bellatrix Black. She is an escaped prisoner and likely in cahoots with Potter."

"It's not as bad as it could be." Harry said, trying to put on a brave face. "Not everyone believes everything the Ministry tells them, especially after the whole coverup on Voldemort when I was in fifth-year." Bellatrix only nodded silently.

After the announcer went on to detail instructions for contacting the authorities if 'The Boy Who Killed' was spotted, the program continued. "We have right here statements from Potter's closest friends at Hogwarts. Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger."

"Harry has become very twisted and evil." crackled Hermione's recorded voice. "His mind no longer functions properly. Everything is twisted in his perception. If you do see him, do not let him sweet-talk you. He will manipulate you and will say anything to achieve his purposes."

Harry's mouth dropped open and before he could let out an exclamation, Ron's voice followed.

"The only thing he wants is money and power. He will kill, rob, and intimidate to get it. Don't let him get away with it."

"How dare he?" Harry shouted angrily as both Bellatrix and Tess cringed.

Bellatrix quickly placed both her hands on his arms and looked him directly in the eye. "You know as well as I that getting angry will not solve anything, Harry. We must formulate a plan of action. I am fairly sure that this can all be countered with tomorrow's Daily Prophet. We can even have some free copies distributed to non-subscribers."

Harry nodded and waved his hand to dismiss Tess so that she could return to her normal duties and see to arrange for the evacuated patients to be returned to St. Mungo's which had been declared suitable for their return. "I guess that you're right."


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