Strategic Solutions

"There's always the Quibbler." Bellatrix suggested, remembering about how Harry had gotten his story out in his fifth-year at Hogwarts.

"I don't want to create any trouble for the Lovegood family." Harry sighed. "Knowing Fudge, if there was even a hint that I might be trying to work with them, they'd be shut down before their press even started printing."

"How about WWN? Could you buy it?" Bess asked.

Before Harry could respond, Bellatrix shot the idea down. "I'm afraid that it is impossible. The Ministry has always owned that medium and controlled it rigidly. The Dark Lord has tried to acquire it for himself many times and has always failed."

There was a silence as they all considered the stalemate that they had come to in their discussion. It did not appear that there was any way to fix the Daily Prophet problem. Harry revived the discussion. "What about my financial dealings in Britain?"

Bess shrugged. "We can just set up a false name and deal under that for you. If you're not inclined to do that, then perhaps you can ask some of your followers to use their names for your behalf."

"Seems fair enough." Harry answered, slowly considering both options. Maybe a combination of both would be effective. He yawned and glanced out one of the windows. The sun had just barely gone down and he was already tired. Pathetic. Perhaps there was a way that he could build up his stamina. He would have to ask some of his bodyguards if they could provide some guidance.

A brief knock sounded on the door and it opened to admit Count Hiscophney. "I'm sorry to disturb you, my lord. It has come to my attention that a small Muggle village located on the north coast of Britain is under attack from Voldemort's forces. I believe he intends to decimate them."

Harry frowned worriedly. "How did you find this out?"

"I have always had lookouts stations on the north coast of that country for safety reasons." Hiscophney answered. "Coincidentally, Voldemort has attacked a village in which one of my agents made his home at."

"I'll have to do something." Harry decided out loud. "Assemble a strike team to go with me to the village. If we hurry we can still save a few people."

Hiscophney grinned. "I've already taken the liberty to do so, my lord. Your bodyguards are also waiting."

Harry stood up and unconsciously summoned his black breastplate and battle robes lined with silver. "That was very efficient of you. Send one of Nailoff's men to fetch Narcissa Black and have her appropriately clothed for an outing of this nature." He turned to Bellatrix. "Would you like to come as well?"

Bellatrix wasted no time in answering. "Of course! If I can help it, I'm not going to let you go into a dangerous area alone."

"Good." Harry said as he watched Bellatrix quickly summon her own armor. He turned to Bess and Tess. "You might as well prepare to deal with any injuries that need minor care. I'll contact Xerina and have her send a couple of doctors."

"Yes, my lord." they said, echoing each other.

The two personal assistants then left the room as Hiscophney's men entered, soon followed by the Ice soldiers, and then a pair of Ice soldiers bodily dragging a very disgruntled Narcissa with them. "She didn't want to come." one of them explained to Harry as they let her go and watched as she narrowly missed falling on the floor.

"She doesn't have a choice." Harry commented as he quickly used his powers to peek into her mind and confirm that her attitude toward him and everything else remained the same. Perhaps this little field trip would change things a little. At the very least, it would get her attention.

Narcissa, who seemed to understand this fact, did not say anything but contented herself to scowl in Harry's general direction. Harry decided to address her directly. "A muggle village is under attack, Narcissa. I'm taking you with me so that you can see what you seem to believe in firsthand."

Harry stepped forward and firmly grasped Narcissa by the elbow. "You'll stay with me so that I can keep you safe and prevent you from running off and causing trouble." He nodded to Hiscophney, Nailoff, and of course- Bellatrix. "Let's go."


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