Organizing the Legion

 Neville shrugged. "We haven't scheduled one for the summer yet."

In response, Harry stood up and began to slowly pace. "Try to get everyone together as soon as you can. Not only do you need to come up with a new name, you need to organize everybody and appoint some sort of hierarchy. The group is basically an army, so logic dictates that you should have some ranks and those sorts of things assigned and organized."

"I'll keep that in mind." Neville replied, already making plans as to how the now Potter's Legion would be organized in the future.

"Getting everyone together could be somewhat difficult." Harry said as he continued on with his monologue. "If your group needs money for Muggle transportation or needs assistance with magical transportation, I reckon that I can arrange for that somehow. Just keep me up to date on things. Can you do that?"

Neville responded affirmatively and then brought up another issue. "How much fighting can we expect to see?"

This brought Harry to a pause. "I don't know." he said at last. "It will be dangerous and therefore, lives could be lost. For that reason I can't help but feel hesitant to put you in the worst situations."

The door to Harry's study opened and Count Hiscophney strolled in. "Perhaps I could help with that. If the volunteer students were to team up with my own teams, the students would be in less danger and my forces could be more spread out."

A frown crossed Harry's face as he studied the Count of Trazkaban. "How did you know what we were talking about?"

Hiscophney held up his hand that bore the ring used to communicate with Harry and Xerina. "I could hear you through this."

"Oh." Harry said, somewhat puzzled but satisfied enough with the answer that had been provided. He would have to examine his own ring further when he had the chance to do so.

The count made his way to an empty seat and sat down, preparing to take a part in the discussion that Harry and Neville had been having. Before the conversation could resume however, a flash came from one of the baskets on Harry's desk signifying new mail.

Since the basket was in reach, Harry grabbed the parchment from his sitting place and opened the envelope after checking it for any possibly traps, curses, or jinxes and finding none. Inside the envelope was a small slip of parchment with a note hastily scribbled on it.

'New developments- must see you immediately. Is the Leaky Cauldron in half an hour okay? Mockridge'

Harry reread the note before tearing an unwritten part off and writing 'Fine' on it followed by his initials. He then took a new envelope from his desk, slipped the parchment into it, sealed it, addressed it, and then dropped it in the out-basket from which it was promptly 'flashed' away.

"I've just received an urgent message and must go to meet an acquaintance." Harry told Neville and Hiscophney. "Could you two make plans for the future of Potter's Legion and how it will work in conjunction with my forces? I'll be back as soon as I possibly can."

The two were amiable to Harry's proposal and by the time Harry exited his study, they were already deep into discussion concerning the issues at hand for the forces that would be fighting Voldemort in the coming months.

After finding Bellatrix and telling her about the letter, Harry retrieved a dark cloak trimmed with silver from his master suite, pulled up the hood, and then Apparated away to Diagon Alley rather than directly into the Leaky Cauldron. It would look better if it seemed that he had just come in for a drink or snack instead of going directly there to meet someone.

He entered the small pub from the back way into Diagon Alley and found the perfect atmosphere for a confidential meeting. The pub was busy enough that they would not attract unwanted attention for being the only customers at the hour, but slow enough that they would be able to keep away from others and still be able to hear each other.

Harry surveyed the room and saw that Tom the barkeep was at his customary post. He also saw that the patrons of the pub were average people that he did not know in anyway and that Mockridge had not arrived yet.

Keeping his hood up, which was slightly unusual, Harry made his way to a vacant corner table from where he could watch both entrances to the pub and have a good view of the entire room. He then wandlessly cast a Notice-Me-Not charm over himself.

Five minutes later, Cuthbert Mockridge entered the pub from the Diagon Alley entrance and looked around casually. A small probe of his mind via Legillimency revealed that beneath his calm exterior, the Goblin Liaison official was flustered. The probe also revealed that he was not up to any underhand tricks.

Seeing that he was not about to be betrayed, Harry removed the protective charm and caught Mockridge's attention. Mockridge spotted Harry immediately. He made his way over to the corner table and sat down. "Have you ordered anything yet?" he asked.

"No." Harry responded. "Not yet."

Mockridge waved his hand to signal Tom. "One Firewhiskey and a…"

"Butterbeer." Harry finished, deepening his voice somewhat to disguise it.


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