Theft Unmasked

"Sure Harrikins. Skald already has it drawn up because we always planned to share the profits with you," the twins agreed. "As we've said many a time, we consider you to be family. Our little brother."

True to the words the twins had given him on first night, Ron was incredibly hostile towards Harry. He snapped and snarled every time he saw Harry in the halls or during a class. Everyone in the Castle knew Ron was angry with Harry about something but no one could really say what. Most the students just assumed Harry had done or said something on the train that upset Ron. And since Ron was well known as a student who'd never created the problems Harry had, the student body just gave Harry disappointed looks when they saw him. It never even occurred to any of them Harry and Ron hadn't met on the train to school and therefore Harry couldn't have said anything to upset Ron.

Ginerva simply looked at him with puppy dog eyes every time she saw him, silently begging him to have mercy and restore to her family the money they'd been helping themselves to since his first year. That she had no right to said money was a non-issue to her because she considered what belonged to him, belonged to her and her family first. Harry found it easy to ignore those looks as she'd been giving him similar looks since his third year. Albeit for a different reason. But still the same damn look. It was no more effective now than it ever had been before. Harry wanted nothing to do with the girl.

But what floored him was when he realized Hermione was giving him the same death glares, snaps and snarls Ron was. He quickly surmised she'd also been dipping into his vaults. Though why was a mystery to him. It really shouldn't have surprised him nearly as much as it did. But it had never occurred to him she'd be stealing from him as he knew her parents were moderately wealthy people and she was their only child. Nor did either of them have any siblings she'd ever spoken of. So she was their sole heir. She had no need of his money. Cosmetic dentist made a lot of money each year and that's what her parents were. A few of their clients were even highly paid famous people in the muggle world. So why was she stealing from him? Or was she only upset on Ron's behalf?

He brought the matter up to Fred and George for confirmation because he honestly didn't know which was the truth of her attitude. He didn't want to believe she was just as much a thief as Ron and Ginerva were. "I know why your siblings are mad at me," he told them. "Honestly I expected them to be when the goblins sent me my new keys. But why's she mad as well? Was she stealing from me, too?"

They sighed but nodded their heads saying she'd been one of the people receiving payment each month for services rendered. She had a key to one of his vaults herself so that should a need arise, she could fill it without having to wait for her check to come. "We didn't know that until their Mum couldn't access your vault and got turned away by the goblin teller. She then stepped up to the counter and produced her own key demanding to be taken to her vault. We were surprised when she was informed her key no longer fit a vault within their establishment, either."

"She got a panicked look and laid a second key on the counter. That one did get her a ride to the vault connected to it but we could tell she was angry when she rejoined us on the surface."

Fred nodded and added with a sneer that would have looked at home on any Slytherin, "Still, she'd tried to use the rejected key to authorize payment at Flourish and Blotts for the books she wanted to buy. Even after being told by the goblins the key was no good any more."

George gave a sneer of his own as he finished by saying, "Any proper witch or wizard knows if the goblins say your key doesn't fit a vault in their bank then there's no money backing said key."

From what they overheard of her ranting back at the Burrow they'd divined the first key was actually to his vault. She was supposed to have access to it so she could get funds to buy books for whatever challenge that would be facing him that year. But she admitted she was taking additional money from his vault and funneling it into her own. The vault the second key went to which was started by her parents to allow her spending money when she was in school or to just buy books over the summertime.

As far as they were concerned she was every bit the thief Harry thought she was since nothing she was using his vault for was actually to his benefit. They both knew she was only buying books for her own use. Not his. Because they'd never once heard her telling him anything she'd learned from them or even lending the books to him so he could learn from them on his own. They'd helped him through the challenges attending school here brought his way more than she had.

They'd also overheard her telling Ron and Ginny how the money she was getting from his vault and then depositing into her own vault was so she'd have enough coin after she graduated Hogwarts for whatever training or other schooling she chose to pursue. She'd bragged that those coins added to what her parents were setting aside for her Uni education would see her well-educated for whatever career she chose to pursue no matter which world she wanted to work in. And that definitely wasn't in any manner a benefit to Harry. He wouldn't make a profit from whatever education she received. So how could she justify taking his money for that reason and claim it was for him?

The changing of the locks and stopping of all payments to people Harry didn't personally bring into the bank had ended her rich ride. Just as it had for the Weasely clan and for Robindore and his Order of the Hood.

So then Harry sat down with the twins and planned out exactly how to go about getting his revenge against the trio. Harry discovered the twins had been planning this for quite some time. Even before they knew of the thievery. As they had already looked into ways and means Harry could get even with them and had a list of spells and curses for him to go over and try out. Naturally they practiced those spells with Harry and went over scenarios wherein he might be able to use them.

"Payback's going to be a bitch," Fred declared.

"And Destiny is her queen," agreed George.

Together they said, "And you're Destiny's favorite child."


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