Unauthorized Access

"Now, let's see. You say you earned the right to have access to my school vault but dang if I know how you did that seeing as how I know I never told the goblins to give you access and since your name isn't Potter either my Aunt, Uncle or I would've had to. I am the Holder of that account and my Aunt and Uncle are my legal guardians. You do know what that term means don't you? Legal? I'll explain it just in case you don't. It means, no one gets in that account without permission from one of the three of us."

Ginny tried to interrupt again but Harry cut her off just as he had Ron, lifting his other hand in warning. "Shut up, Ginerva. I refuse to listen to you until you can actually manage to talk like a real person and not some simpleton who's practicing for the role of a female impersonator." He paused for a moment and then added, "Or an in-heat alley cat looking for a mate." He shivered theatrically. "Either way, I don't want to hear your practice session right now." Several of the kids in the room snickered quietly, silently agreeing with him about the way she liked to talk. Especially when Harry was nearby and could hear her.

"Anyway, back to my point. As my relatives don't have a clue about my inheritance in this world, I'm one hundred percent certain they did no such thing. Nor did I. I'm also positive not a one of you has so much as one single piece of parchment with my signature on it proclaiming your right to have access to my school vault or to draw funds off of it. Now how else could you've earned that right?"

"Hmm. Well, I guess you could've been named in my parents will but then; how would you know of that since that will has been lost for about fourteen or so years now? And you Ginerva weren't even born when they died so how would you have been named by them at all? However, if that is how you're claiming right to my school vault then by all means, do tell me where it is. I'd love to have my parents last will and testament read aloud to all the beneficiaries can get what my parents wanted them to have. It'd be nice to finally settler their estate at long last." He waited, eyeing each of them speculatively. All three teens just held silent, glaring at him with hatred and scorn. He was mocking and ridiculing them and they hated hm for it. Not one of them realized how he must have felt the same way when they were doing it to him. The only thought in their minds was that when they got their keys returned he would pay for this scene right now.

"No? Well, considering you two were only babies at that time as was I, I guess it was too much to hope for that you might actually know something worthwhile." He sneered at his former best mate with such scorn the few observers in the library who could see the expression fully were taken aback. "Anyway, since it's clear that's not how you earned the right either, I guess you must fit under the category of those who are paid for 'Services Rendered'."

He stressed the last two words and made sure he said them in as loud of a voice as he could presently manage which was still really quiet. Not that it truly mattered as everyone in the Library was holding absolutely still so as not to miss a single word. By this time school had been back in session long enough for the students to realize if they wanted to hear what Harry Potter said from his own lips they needed to listen carefully and closely as he now had a very soft quiet speaking voice which he wouldn't raise just because they wanted to listen in. No one was even pretending they were working on their homework research lest the scratching of a quill cause them to miss a pivotal word. And so far there'd been quite a few of those. Not to mention some good insults. All the listening students were determined to memorize those so they could use them personally.

Almost absently, Harry reached for his quill cap and slid it over the sharpened point of the quill making sure the ink he'd been using with it was completely blotted away so as not to cake on the quill tip. He then capped his ink bottle while he watched them carefully. Harry almost smirked as he saw all three straighten their spines and look as haughty as they knew how. Behind them, the librarian, Madam Pince, who'd been coming over to tell them to take it somewhere else, sneered when she heard the term 'services rendered' and Harry couldn't help but echo her expression as his eyes went flinty hard and cold as ice. She knew as well as he did what that term referred to when it was used in this context.

"Really, Ronald? You're that devoid of anything resembling personal pride and honor you're willing to claim Services Rendered? Honestly? You're going to make that claim?"

Ron didn't even have the sense to wonder what Harry thought the term meant as he bobbed his head furiously, still trying desperately to speak. He gestured wildly but Harry did nothing but sneer at him before looking at the two girls. Hermione, who certainly should know what the term meant, was glaring at him in righteous outrage and fury.

Too angry to bother remembering her muggle upbringing and what that term in this context actually meant. She was so furious she wasn't even truly listening to him any more. The situation had gotten out of her control and she didn't know what to do about it. Ginerva looked slightly confused but it was clear she was just as angry as Hermione. She was also determined to regain her access to his money. So whatever she had to agree to, she would. So long as she had a bank key in her hot little hand when she left this room.


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