Ron’s Blame Game

Nor did the Professors care Hermione wasn't one of the scholarship students. She too had taken coin from Mr. Potter. From what Harry had said during the Library Confrontation, she had tried to sabotage him in the classroom by making his completed homework unacceptable for turning in. That made her just as disagreeable a student as the Weasely duo.

So the teachers were holding her to the same impossibly high standards as they held the Weasely duo. That they'd held Harry to in previous years. No longer could Hermione turn in work that meandered all over the place while barely touching on the assigned topic and was far longer than the asked for length.

No longer did they even bother to read anything she wrote that was over the specified essay length. Each teacher measured out the assigned length of her turned in work and then only graded what she'd written to that point. Every inch beyond that length was a deduction on the assignment.

And they were meticulous about it. Even if the cut-off line was right in the center of a line of writing, they would draw a red line through it and not count it as a part of the assignment to be graded. For the first time in her educational time, Hermione Granger was receiving failing grades. She didn't know what to do. How to react. She wasn't used to failing at schoolwork.

Nor could Ron skate by with essays that just barely met the length requirements while being sloppy, disjointed, incorrect or incomplete and full of grammatical errors. Now that his work was being fairly graded, he found himself receiving marks far lower than what was acceptable for a Hogwarts student in good standing.

And his grades hadn't been all that good before this so he was failing in every subject now. More than once he found himself being assigned a mandatory Remedial Study Hall over the weekends when no classes were held. And if he already had a detention for that time period, he had to choose which to go to knowing full well not going to the other would only result in yet another detention.

Unlike Hermione, Ron knew exactly how to react. He blamed Harry. If Harry hadn't reminded the Professors of their scholarship, the Professors wouldn't be acting like they were. If Harry hadn't decided to pull their funding, they wouldn't have confronted him in the Library. And if Harry had done what he was told and removed the marks he'd put on them, this would've all blown over by now. Yes, this was all Harry's fault.

Because Ron was such a poor student, Minerva had to actually draw up a weekend schedule for him just so he could take part in the Remedial aide Hogwarts offered their failing students as he was being given Remedial Study Hall for all of his classes. Including his electives.

It surprised her to discover even Sybil Trelawney had assigned him a Study Hall. But now that Ron's mark forbid him from doing or saying anything harmful to or about Harry, he found his usual topics for her assigned essays impossible to write or orate. Naturally, it never occur to him to simply substitute Harry's name for his own to complete the assignments.

Each subject had it's own room in the Castle for it's Study Hall and a time on Saturday and Sunday when the room would be open. This was to give Mr. Filch and the elves time to clean and restock the normal classrooms for the teachers as well as the Remedial rooms since the Study Hall rooms were only open during those periods because even Professors had other things they liked to do besides try and hammer new knowledge into stone dense children's heads.

Study Halls were overseen by the teacher of the correlating class and commonly referred to as Remedial sessions. They were open to any student having a particularly difficult time in any of the offered classes. But for some students, like Ron, they were mandatory because their grades had fallen below acceptable standards.

Especially those students who were yet to sit their Owls. Because there literally no job available in the Wizarding World one could get without their Owls. So the Hogwarts staff did everything they could to ensure that all their students would pass at least those exams.

In these Study Halls, bright students could earn extra credit by assisting those who attended on their assignments. Each student assigned to the Halls would be helped to redo their assignments for the previous week while being coached on the assignments for the upcoming week.

Needless to say as soon as the bright students saw Ron enter the classroom, most found other students to assist. Those who didn't, drew straws to see who would work with him. No one wanted to. And not just because of his part in the years drama. Ron had a reputation thanks to all his arguments with Hermione.

As a result, everyone knew he hated doing homework and therefore working with him was sure to be a trial wherein he was almost certain to try and get them to do the work for him. Just because they already knew how to do it and he clearly didn't.

As a result whomever drew the short straw would always make the experience as unenjoyable as they possibly could for Ronald. Only Professor Snape would take on Ron personally. The rest of the teachers didn't bother.

While Ron's grades had never been all that high, Ginny had been doing relatively well. Hermione's bragging about being the smartest witch of their year hadn't been idle boasting either. But now all three were finding themselves hard pressed just to keep their grades above failing.

Naturally, they were at the bottom of their class standings. If something wasn't done soon, none of them would pass any of their classes and all of them blamed Harry for it. Nor was Professor Snape the only teacher to openly disparage the two Weaselys for being scholarship students unworthy of and ungrateful to their patron.

Ron and Ginny had both sent messages off to Molly complaining of their disfigurements and subsequent treatment by their previously sympathetic teachers but the twins, who knew their habits well, had intercepted them so Molly had never gotten them. The twins had no use for the younger Trio and were doing everything in their power to cover Harry's back making sure all the kids heard the real truth of what had been occurring over the years.

For the first time, the twins had the willing help of their tower mates in creating and planning their pranks so long as the intended target was one of the Trio. Even Slytherin children were coming up to them to report things they had seen or heard one or more of the Trio doing which they thought deserved recompense.

And it really didn't matter to the students if the one the trio was targeting at the time was Harry Potter or not. Nor did it matter to the twins. Payback really was a bitch and right now she was screaming their names.


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