The Weight of a Life Debt

"More than one chance," Severus agreed. "He has no reason to trust them. I'm just hoping he doesn't use the life debts the girls owe him against them to force them to leave him alone. I'm not sure he's even aware he can use it like that. Minerva will never forgive him if he calls it due. Luckily, I don't think she is aware they actually owe him such a debt. Or that he's aware they do."

"Albus will give him that 'I'm so disappointed in you' look he likes so very much and thinks is so very effective, while telling him he should turn the debt over to him and let him deal with the matter for him as his magical guardian. Albus will assume he's too stupid to realize the debts don't work like that and Minerva will swear it's something a light wizard wouldn't have done while telling him his Father would be so disappointed and ashamed of him for calling them in. Because James never called the life debt he held on me due. So naturally she'll believe Harry shouldn't either." He'd learned Irma responded better if he used Potter's Christian name when referring to him so he was making a conscious effort to do so.

"Well, both of them are wrong and we both know it. You're correct in thinking he knows about the debts those girls owe him. And yes, he does know how he can use it to get them out of his life permanently. He doesn't want to though because he doesn't want them forced to drop out of school. He believes they need an education just as much if not more than he does. So he won't willingly put them in a position of having to forego it simply because they owe him their lives."

"Just as he's well aware he literally holds that other boys life in his hands. That punk literally tried, by his own hand, to kill him, Severus. Neither of the girls did that though there's no doubt Granger, at least, was trying her hardest to get him killed. Even the judgement rune on his face now won't equate for that. He's forever marked by the Betrayer's Curse. If he atones sufficiently, it may get lighter so as to become hardly noticeable to anyone who doesn't know it's there. But it will never go away completely."

"As Harry stood here and clearly said, he had a very clear bruise on his spine where that punk shoved him into a dark, dank hole neither of them knew the first thing about except there was some kind of a deadly monster at it's base and a rampaging murderer as well. Not even Harry knows what the punk hit him with to knock him off balance and send him tumbling down that hole. But he does know it wasn't the punks hands. He's only lucky he hit Harry in the back instead of over the head. He might have succeeded in killing him if he'd done that."

"He shoved Harry in first so if either murderer or monster were waiting at the bottom of the hole, Harry would face them before he did, giving him time to get away. What Harry didn't say, was the punk waited at the top of the hole for Harry to call out it was safe before he sent the popinjay down and then followed himself.

 And when that popinjay Lockhart took the Betrayer's broken wand from him to attempt to curse both boys with that illegal memory charm, that redheaded fool blamed Harry for it. Despite the fact it was his wand the fool had grabbed. Why? Because Harry wasn't holding the fool at wand point before the Betrayer entered the area."

She sighed and shook her head. "Did you know Harry wanted to go get you to go with him into that bathroom to find out whether or not they had the right area? He didn't actually want to go tearing off to face the monster. He only wanted to know if he had the right place. So he planned to talk to Myrtle and confirm it as the location of the Chamber entrance before turning it over to you to deal with. He knew you'd need him to open the passage and that chances were good, he'd have to go with you just in case there were other doors needing to be opened. But he had no intention of doing the rescue by himself."

"But he didn't trust the popinjay and didn't want him at his back considering he'd already hurt him earlier in the year when he'd vanished his arm and hand bones. That redheaded brat wouldn't let him get you. Insisted they take that popinjay Albus hired instead. Harry already knew you wouldn't let him face the danger alone if you'd even let him face it at all. So did that punk, I guess, since he was determined Harry would take a useless fool with him instead. An useless fool who was pretty willing to kill him in the name of greater fame and glory for himself." She gave her patented sneer, that many a Slytherin student spent hours trying and failing to copy, in remembrance of Lockhart.

"And since the Betrayer forced Harry to take the fool, that makes what he did to them down there, the Betrayer's responsibility as well and Harry knows it. So in that one incident, Ron is responsible for two separate murder attempts on Harry. That doesn't even count being the owner of the rat who turned out to be a mass murderer as well as the betrayer of Harry's parents. How that figures into things, I really can't say but I'd say the cosmic scales are tilted quite heavily in Harry's favor when it comes to the Betrayer."

"He wanted to get me?" Severus' mind had gone into a rut when she'd revealed that piece of information and the rest of her tale had pretty much gone in one ear and out the other as a result.


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