247- Val And Del's Secret

Valerie was sitting in the hotel restaurant, waiting for Nina. The older woman didn't know a thing about today's office incident. Nowadays, she was too busy convincing Andrew to sell the White Palace to her. 

Marissa was planning to organize the event in the palace and Nina wanted to prove to the world that Marissa was still a classless and worthless bitch.

Smiling to herself, Valerie tapped her fingers lightly on her wine glass as she waited for her mother-in-law. The soft murmurs of other diners barely registered in her mind as she was too engrossed in thinking about Nina and Marissa.

They both would get too busy killing each other and Valerie could take advantage of the situation. The bitch got safe today, but she couldn't stay safe forever.

Her attention snapped when she noticed a figure standing close to the table and it wasn't Nina.