467- Four Days!

 Anaya felt a sharp, uncomfortable light piercing through her closed eyelids, as if…

As if someone was shining a flashlight directly at her?

Urgh. What's happening? Who is this?

She wanted to block this light that was giving her a headache. She instinctively tried to move her arm to block it, but it felt heavy.

She wasn't able to move it as if it was made of rock.

"Uh!" A groan escaped her lips as she tried to move it again, and this time she felt like her body was made of lead. She swiped her tongue over her parched lips.

"W-water…" she muttered faintly, her voice barely above a whisper. She tried opening her eyes and then blinked several times when the vision wasn't clear.

Everything around her seemed like a blur.

Slowly, things began to come to focus. She was lying in the bed, and a familiar sterile smell was filling her nostrils.

Her gaze fell on someone sitting close to her on a chair. Someone familiar.