Hvítreiðr (1)

"Change will come one day..."

One of the countless prophecies echoing in the Northern Glaciers.

Azderos, Tu'bask.

The Whitefang soldiers were diligently setting up their tents. The priority for the tents was for the civilians they had brought with them. They had incorporated three small clans, and besides the seven hundred and twenty warriors, there were about five hundred civilians in the group. Although it seemed more sensible to conquer Tu'bask and settle inside, setting up tents outside did not seem very logical.

However, Ülgen did not know how many people in Tu'bask had characteristics too despicable to be assimilated into his clan. If they entered now, while his soldiers could handle the troubles, the civilians would be at risk. Therefore, he had ordered his army and people to rest before the enemy surrendered. The blood of the fourth degrees who died was not enough to cleanse Tu'bask.

At the same time, in Olpar's hall in Tu'bask, Erik and a few northerners were having a heated discussion.

"Let's burn Tu'bask and flee! Let those sons of bitches keep sleeping in their tents!" a big-bellied bald man was speaking, spitting as he talked. He was one of Olpar's loyal followers and was competing with Erik in terms of authority.

A gray-haired man, named Gray, shook his head. "That guy killed four people of the same rank as him. And two of them were peak fourth degrees. Even if we burn this place, we might not get far enough before getting caught. Let's first learn what Ülgen's goal is and then decide whether to submit or not." He was representing the small raiding groups living in Tu'bask.

"If you make a stupid decision that will lead us to face that guy, know that I'm not in it." Another average-looking man, named Aral, loosened his chest armor a bit and took a deep breath. He wore the armor just for show, but already its weight and tightness were making him feel suffocated. Though part of Olpar's group, he was one of the few respected figures in Tu'bask because he held the financial power. He wasn't completely loyal to Olpar, but they had formed a mutually beneficial relationship. Therefore, he wasn't too upset about Olpar's death. He was merely calculating what kind of deal he could make with Ülgen.

Erik was massaging his temples with one hand to relieve the rising headache. He saw the bald man about to speak and, unable to tolerate more nonsense, slammed his hands on the table, drawing everyone's attention.

"We won't get anywhere like this," he said clearly, ensuring everyone understood. "The enemy's warriors are shaking off their travel fatigue right now. The possibility of a night attack is very high."

The bald man responded angrily. "Then what should we do? Give up Tu'bask's defensive advantage and go on the offensive?" He was about to continue when he noticed Erik glaring at him with murderous intent, and he swallowed hard. Though both were third-degree warriors, the bald man's real skill was licking Olpar's boots. Engaging in direct combat was not an option for him.

After silencing the bald man, Erik continued. "We have until sunset to surrender. We will send an envoy. If anyone disagrees, they can talk to the man lying at our doorstep."

Erik's authoritative stance caused the average man and the gray-haired man to grumble. However, after a brief silence, both nodded their heads. The bald man, on the other hand, let out an angry growl and left the hall without saying anything.

Erik gestured to one of his men and called him over, whispering in his ear, "Follow Edson secretly. If he tries to cause trouble, inform me." The raider nodded silently and then went after the bald man named Edson.

Observing Erik's actions, the gray-haired man turned to the average man. "We should send our men too, Aral. We can't let Erik be the only one to take advantage of establishing a connection with that beast when he steps into Tu'bask."

Aral simply nodded in agreement. Edson couldn't even imagine that his angry exit from the meeting would cost him his life.


In front of Tu'bask, in the tent of the Whitefang Clan Lord.

Inside the tent were various heirloom magical beast skins and ancestral weapons from different clans. Ülgen had decided to display the weapons inherited from the ancestors of the clans he had taken under his protection during the Dromkez as a show of power. While it might not have left a grand impression in the center of Azderos, it created quite an impressive and intimidating image in the north. The evident effects could be seen in the trembling hands of the envoy from Tu'bask, who was extending a head wrapped in cloth to Ülgen. Sven and the other third-degree warriors were also eyeing the envoy from Tu'bask coldly.

As Ülgen sat on his throne, he examined the head presented to him. "So this man was insistent on not surrendering, and you took his head, correct?" The question, asked while scratching his chin with one hand, snapped the envoy out of his daze, causing cold sweat to run down his back from the tension.

"Y-yes, sir. Lords Erik, Gray, and Aral prepared this gift to show their sincerity about surrendering..."

The envoy's fear caused Sven and the third-degree warriors to chuckle softly. However, they were careful to keep their laughter low enough not to disturb their lord.

The Young Fatih said, "Hm, I see," and then waved his hand dismissively at the envoy. "Go and inform your lords that we will enter the city tomorrow, and we want everyone to surrender their weapons."

The envoy carefully placed the head on the ground, and with cautious steps, he exited the tent without turning his back, keeping his head bowed. But as soon as he exited the tent, he swiftly mounted his horse and galloped back to Tu'bask with the agility of a freed slave.

Sven glanced at his lord and saw Ülgen nodding with a smile, giving his approval. Then, everyone in the tent began to laugh heartily.

Amidst the laughter, one of the third-degree warriors grumbled bitterly at Sven. "Hah, I'll give you the beaded necklace as we agreed in our bet. You're lucky this time!"

"Lothi, next time then, hahahah!" Sven's words only fueled the laughter further.

It was a joyous day and a joyous evening.


The next day, the Whitefang army entered the city with victorious yet distant expressions.

At the forefront, Ülgen and Sven walked alongside him, their expressions unchanged as they looked at the three marauders kneeling on one knee to pledge their loyalty.

"Stand up. You'll be questioned last. If you don't resist, your chances of survival increase." The young Fatihs words were directed at Erik, Aral, and Gray, who dismounted and were tied up by the three third-degree warriors who approached them.

Though they were surprised, the moment they looked into Ülgen's eyes, all their resistance faded. Standing before them was a beast that had devoured the eyes of Tu'bask's former master. With the submission of these representative figures, neutralizing and interrogating the remaining marauders became easier.

Of course, there were those who resisted and those who chose to hide in corners, but the Whitefang soldiers had no intention of showing mercy. Within hours, numerous skirmishes broke out in the narrow streets. This did not surprise Ülgen, as northerners were already a stubborn group, and those who had devoted their lives entirely to raiding were even worse.

Entering Olpar's clan chief hall, Ülgen paused for a moment when he saw a half-naked woman and her daughter, whom he instantly recognized as mother and daughter. The pair, filled with fear, did nothing but lower their heads. There was a hint of numbness and despair in their eyes. They thought one tyrant had gone, and another had come.

"Are these also from Vinumregnum?" However, reality soon contradicted their thoughts. They seemed to hear a faint voice respond, followed by Ülgen's voice echoing again. "Remove their chains and place them with the other female slaves. Sven, interrogate these two women and the others. Anyone found guilty of rape or similar acts should be given the necessary punishment."

After hearing these last words, the sound of loud footsteps and their chains breaking echoed in their ears. The mother and daughter, lifting their heads in astonishment, looked at each other. Then, they prostrated themselves before Ülgen, weeping and worshipping him like a god.

"Rise, I can tell from your demeanor that you are nobles. You did not deserve what you have endured." The young Fatihs words penetrated their hearts. They lifted their heads, sobbing uncontrollably. With a beam of light behind him, Ülgen looked like a god. But for a moment, he frowned, "Do not compare me to those parasites, I am not a god." Then he smiled again. "I heard that Vinumregnum forces will arrive here within two weeks. When they come, I want you to accompany my envoys and tell them that this place was conquered through the sacred Dromkez and its new name is Hvítreiðr (White Nest). From now on, peace and trade will bring both sides into a mutually beneficial cycle."

While the young woman continued to look on in admiration, the mother suddenly came to her senses. What Ülgen said was no small matter. Regaining some of her noble grace, though still half-naked, her posture changed. She nodded seriously and said, "As long as our freedom is preserved, I swear on my noble name, Linda Voner, that I will carry out your wishes to the letter, Lord..?"


"Lord Ülgen." Baroness Linda was so struck by Ülgen's nobility that she momentarily forgot they were in the cold north and performed a common curtsey among the dukedom's nobles.

"Very well, Lady Linda, you must be tired now. You may go rest with your daughter." With more pressing matters to attend to, Ülgen dismissed the mother and daughter duo with courteousness, maintaining his noble demeanor.

Whitefang clan soldiers, without breaking their discipline, escorted the two women. Alongside them was another third-degree warrior, whose task was to interrogate the women and carry out Ülgen's orders.

After they left, Ülgen sat on Olpar's throne and watched as his men brought the large table from the corner of the hall, set up chairs around it, and took their places. The sense of relief in his soul began to strengthen his body.

As his aura intensified, he looked at his subordinates and spoke the blessed words that uplifted them. "Let us begin the first meeting of Hvítreiðr, the capital of Whitefang."