The Second Dromkez (2)

Upon hearing the sounds, Audun grabbed one of the novices by the shoulder with a serious expression and whispered, "Quick, run to the clan center!" He then gave a firm push.

The clan warrior, shaken out of his terror, started running with all his might. However, he had only covered thirty meters before being turned into a pincushion by eight spears that suddenly flew out.

At the same time, the footsteps quickened, and the enemies of the Wolf clan appeared. Ten men, clad in enchanted beast armor adorned with symbols of a castle and dragon's tooth, emerged from the trees, advancing towards Audun and his team. They were well-built, and their weapons appeared to be of high quality. Hvítreiðr soldiers!

"Damn it, they're all at least first degree!" Audun growled angrily, squinting at the figure leading the men.