Face to face

Chapter 64

"You seem very happy for someone who has caused such a stir." Zhao Hui said as he closed the door and made his way to Wei Jun, taking the seat where Lin Ruan was sitting a while ago.

"It seems the police are very desperate for them to reinstate you." Wei Jun commented with a smile that didn't look like that of an injured man who was assaulted so severely.

"Seems so." Zhao Hui said as he un-cuffed Wei Jun and said, "Get up. We are leaving for the police station."

"In my condition?" Wei Jun questioned. Although he knew that he would eventually be taken back to the police station, he knew it wouldn't be this soon.

"The court approved it. We can wait for your lawyer or he can come to the police station and you can hear from him there." Zhao Hui nonchalantly said.