The phone call (Bonus P.S)

Chapter 116

The newly appointed mayor of Yuan Yin City was having wine in his office peacefully that evening. He had just had an exhausting day at the office and he wasn't going to exhaust himself even more by going to his wife at home.

Chin Shu wasn't a corrupt official but he wasn't squeaky clean either. He was somewhere in the middle. His good deeds were almost equal to his bad deeds. Of course, the amount of lives he had destroyed could never be compared to how many good deeds he did but it was all from a justified point of view. If the price of a life can be some bills in donation, then it was justified.

Or at least that was how he believed it to be. So when it was said that he was good and bad equally, it was from his own justified view, not from those whose lives were destroyed because of him or those whose lives were saved because of him.