First suspect

Chapter 247

"Any news?" Xiaofei Rin asked a man who just entered.

He sighed and replied, "I just returned from Yi Rang's apartment. It is not invaded in any way. However, her office was rummaged. The guards outside were all either killed or severely injured. Those who survived, don't remember anything."

"What do you think it was?" Rin asked the man next to her who was looking at the pattern along with her.

"It's a conspiracy so far. It doesn't look like a hostile takeover because all the competitors look quiet at the moment." The man said.

"If we look at it like that, has anyone targeted those subsidiaries? Any of the production plants? Labs? Anything at all?" She asked the man who came with the report.

"Nothing so far but I'm looking into it." The young man replied.

"Such a big business company must have black fund accounts. Any lead on them?" Rin asked.