chapter 24

"Oma, we need to talk " Fikayo tapped his wife for the third time.

They finished making love about five hours ago and after having their dinner and also taking a shower. They fell asleep immediately.

What Ifeoma couldn't understand was the reason for her husband's incessant tapping at that time of the night. Why has the man refused to understand that she had a stressful day and she needed to be well rested in order to take on the following day's work.

"Can't we talk about this in broad daylight? Like tomorrow morning or evening? What are we talking about in the middle of the night, Fikayo?" Ifeoma questioned, furious for been deprived of her sleep.

She refused to sit up as she proceeded to turn her back on Fikayo and go straight to lala land once again.

Fikayo knew just what would make that sleep vanish from her eyes so he said it."I want you to stop working"

Ifeoma didn't hear at first and then as if just processing what he said, she jumped up on impulse.

"Come again?" She questioned, certain that her ears must have been playing games on her.

"I said I want you to stop working, Oma" Fikayo repeated.

At that moment, Ifeoma has the great urge to slap her husband continuously, maybe then his sense that vanished would come back but she knew she couldn't do it.

"Where is this coming from?" She simply asked even though she was enraged.

"From nowhere, Oma. Just from me, you work too much, so I thought that maybe you need to take a break. Remember that the doctor also said that stress causes miscarriage?" Fikayo explained trying got justify his reasons because his wife wasn't one who'd just listen to him without reasons.

"Am I pregnant?" Ifeoma asked rhetorically.

Fikayo shook his head.

"So why do I need to rest just to avoid miscarriage? From which pregnancy? Fikayo, that excuse have got to be the dumbest one ever. Who put this thought in your head? Is it mama again?"

Ifeoma accused, even though she was very sure that all of it was from mama.

"No no. I just thought you needed rest and I'm the man of the house, I'm the one who should be taking care of you" Fikayo tried again.

Ifeoma blinked twice, thrice and then over five times.

She wanted to be sure that she wasn't in a dream.

How on earth did she end up with a fifteen year old boy as a husband? Heck.... even fifteen year old boys don't tell their mothers everything nor listen to every d*mn thing their mothers say.

What was wrong with her own man?

She was tired.She was tired of having to go round and round within the same circle. She was tired of going back and forth about the same misunderstandings. She was tired of coming back to arguments that she was very sure her mother in law fueled or started. She was tired of being the third wheel in her own marriage.

Nobody understood her frustration, her own marriage didn't have physical abuse, but the emotional and mental abuse was enough to make one run mad.But nobody understood, it seemed like she was overreacting every d*mn time.

She was tired and she knew she was holding on to a strand of hope that maybe everything would be fine and she wouldn't have to keep facing abuse from her mother in law or abuse from her husband sponsored by her mother in law.

She found herself hoping she dies a very dreadful death that involves all her part been shredded.Was that too much? No, Ifeoma didn't think so, not anymore.

"So you want me to stop working?"

Ifeoma finally asked again after having a thorough mind battle and finally getting herself to calm down.

"Yes, baby. That's all, I swear, it's for your own good" Fikayo cajoled.

"No problem, as long as you make sure to buy my Maryline body kit every three months, you know that one that contains face scrub, face toner, face cream, body cream, body oil, face bar soap, body liquid soap, aloe Vera mixture and all that. That one that I get for fifty-five thousand naira. You also have to make sure you get me my human hair regularly and anytime I want them. Aaand... yes! You know how I love to buy new dresses online and all that, that must also be in consideration. Don't forget my expensive heels too. You would also have to put in mind the fact that you'll be the one paying for the monthly foodstuffs henceforth too, we used to split it before, but now you'd be paying the whole fifty thousand Naira per month for foodstuff. Don't forget the rent too, I pay 70%, you'll be paying all now too. I should probably remind you about the Dubai trip we were saving up for, I won't be able to drop money in the joint account anymore, it's all on you henceforth. Oh yes, I can't forget my parent's monthly allowance, twenty thousand naira, you must send it to them per month. Yes, my car too, the mechanic keeps telling me that it's getting old which is why it keeps breaking down and I was planning on saving up to buy a new one for myself so if I stop working, you should know how I'd get a new car as soon as possible too. Uhm.... what else???? Don't worry, I'll keep reminding you of everything as soon as I remember..." Ifeoma concluded.

She smiled mischievously as she watched the wide-eyed look her husband had on at that moment with satisfaction.

Fikayo had just realized one thing that he had never wanted to admit to himself, his wife carried a lot of things in the house and he couldn't do it alone.His mom was wrong.

But was he going to admit defeat that easily?

"But there are some miscellaneous expenses you'd have to cut down, you spend too much on frivolities. Like that body kit, hair, dresses and even a new car? Your car is just four years old"

"Miscellaneous expenses? Frivolities? Fikayo, in case you haven't noticed, that was why I spent six years in elementary school, six years in high school and four stressful years in the university. I went to school, my parents paid for my school fees so that I could have a future, get a job, make money and buy whatever the

fvck I want for myself. I never asked you to get them for me, did I? But if you don't want me to work anymore as per you want to be taking care of me like you said, then you have to get me what I used to get for myself. And you dare call a car of four years new? Your car is a year old, Fikayo! I'm working towards getting myself a new one, I didn't even ask you to get it for me! See, I'm not going to tone down my expenses because of you! I don't want to stop working, You are the one who wants that. I love working, I love supporting my husband, my parents and my home. I love been independent and not asking you for money to buy undies or Maggi ! I love been able to get whatever I want whenever I want them without asking anyone. Why are you threatened by that, Fikayo?" Ifeoma said calmly.

Fikayo was speechless, and Ifeoma felt proud of herself.

She wasn't going to sit at home and watch the compound from the window all day hoping her husband comes home early. No.

She wasn't one to stay home all day on the television, waiting for her husband to come home with money for her to take care of herself and the home. No.

She just wasn't that woman.

"Are we done with this conversation? Or should I continue to list everything you'd have to do henceforth?" Ifeoma teased, knowing that she already won this one.

Fikayo simply laid down on the bed, covered himself up with the duvet and whispered,"Goodnight"

Ifeoma whispered "love you" as she turned to the wall, and smiled wholeheartedly.

At least, she won this one.