Fourth what? I don't know what you are talking about!

For no apparent reason, Wuming (nameless) was thrown into another world.

This setting is already overused, but reality doesn't care about it, that's the truth.

Wuming wasn't his real name, but a nickname he got because he wasn't given a name at all.

An orphan? How innovative, right?

This world contained strange concepts and ideals, he panicked after being thrown into the middle of a street with only his clothing.

Everyone else looked at him strangely, mainly because he appeared out of nowhere and was wearing strange clothes.

Yes, it was a true isekai, not something similar. His original body was transported as well, instead of just his soul. Although it would give him relief later, at that moment he only knew fear.

Anyway, I, the omniscient narrator, am someone with an easygoing personality, so I can read such a cliche story without much problem.

I am not really a being, so don't expect me to interact with the characters, I can only write what I think is important.

Back to the main story, Wuming managed to run away from the crowd and began to plan his next steps.

"Fuck, why am I in this strange place, did someone drug and kidnap me?" he muttered his thoughts without perceiving, "I was about to get a job, why is this happening to me?"

He began to check his body to see if his kidnappers did something strange to him, but he felt nothing wrong.

"Well, my skinny and fragile body is too ugly for anyone to take a liking to, fortunately..." he sighed in relief.

His face was average and showed signs of malnourishment, and his body was so skinny he looked like an ambulant skeleton.

He was someone always fighting for survival in the busy modern world, so he never had the time to read novels and the like, how could he know about transmigration and things like that?

While avoiding people at all costs, he began to explore and probe the surrounding streets and locations. But all he saw was people wearing ancient clothing and some soldiers wearing armor coming and going.

He didn't see any sign of modernity no matter how much he sought it, to the point he finally began to wonder about the possibility of having been sent to another world.

As for going back in time? Even someone poor like him knew it was impossible, and he was even wearing his original clothes.

As for the theory of parallel worlds and dimensions, he once heard about them from serious people, so he thought about it.

'I can't understand their language at all...' he thought while hiding in an alley, 'What am I supposed to do?

'My clothes were too strange, people might have dangerous thoughts about me this way...

'I can't find a job here like this, and I can only beg for scraps... But this is just too cruel!

'Even in my original world, despite being very poor, I never begged for food or money and always worked hard for survival.

'What is the purpose of me being here?

'Was it just an accident?'

Faced with the cruel reality and his seemingly gloomy future, Wuming couldn't help but despair.

Suddenly, he heard someone approaching his location and was about to run away when a voice reached his ears.

"I bring you an endless fortune, are you willing to run away?"

Wuming swallowed hard and... ran away decisively, not even thinking about the fact he could understand the old man's voice.

He wasn't someone inexperienced and was always aware of the evil in the people's hearts.

"Well? he ran away..." a fragile-looking old man appeared from the shadows of the alley and looked in the direction Wuming ran to, "Well, that's his choice and bad luck.

"It was a waste to bring him here... should I go elsewhere?"

As if he was nothing but an illusion, he disappeared from the alley, leaving nothing behind.

When he felt his body was about to collapse, Wuming had no choice but to stop. His weak body was a burden to him in that world.

"Fortunately, I managed to run away..." he muttered after seeing no one was after him.

'What bullshit fortune, he probably wanted to rob me...' he thought to himself, 'From his voice, it was probably a burly man approaching...'

While taking deep breaths to recover, he noticed something strange. It was as if his body was recovering faster than it should.

He knew his body well, and it should have taken him half an hour to completely recover, but it took him only a few minutes.

"Is it the adrenaline?" he wondered with his shallow knowledge.

After recovering, he remembered something crucial, "Fuck, that man spoke my language, was he someone from my world?"

He massaged his temples and began to regret running away.

After some hesitation, he finally decided to return to the alley but found no one else there.

"Damn, why didn't I pay enough attention at that time? I shouldn't have run away immediately!"

Unfortunately, it was impossible to return in time, so he could only drown in regret for a while.

"Anyway, this city doesn't look too big, I can probably see him again, right?" he cheered himself up to recover confidence.

Having nothing else to do, he continued to explore the urban area, and it was indeed small, probably not a city but a town in the countryside.

When the sun was about to set, he was exhausted both mentally and physically, and hungry as well.

However, he never dared to try and steal food, mainly because the owners of the food stalls seemed to possess eyes in the back of their heads and always looked towards him when he tried to approach stealthily.

It was a harsh world for someone poor to live in.

Fortunately, the security didn't seem too bad as he never spotted a thug or the like after all that time.

He could only resign himself to pass the night in an alley, he only hoped the climate wouldn't be too cold.

His thin skin wouldn't be able to guarantee his survival otherwise.

When the night was already deep, and the moon was hanging high, Wuming was on the verge of freezing.

"Fuck! I will die!" he muttered with his teeth clashing quickly because of the cold.

Even though it was a mere town, the streets were rather clean and without trash, so he never managed to get old abandoned clothes to wear and increase his survival chances.

"I came here to die because of a cold night!" he muttered in despair.

But what could he do? He was weak and didn't speak the same language as the others living there.

Even if he tried to steal, he would just get beaten to near death.

As the hours passed, he felt his body was losing more and more energy and heat, he would die before the morning that way.

He gave up trying to pass the night hidden and steeled his heart, he would try to survive until the end! Even if he had to steal and risk getting beaten.

He would die either way, but he wanted to try his best until the end.

He found a building with no signs of activity, he was somewhat convinced no one was there at that time.

He tried to find ways to enter the building, but it had no flaws, and he had neither the strength nor tools to break open a breach.

In despair, he tried another building but had no success again.



And again.

He failed time after time, he never got the chance to enter a building and his body was finally too powerless for him to try more.

He simply found a corner and waited for death.

His fingers and other extremities beginning to turn black, and his chest was hurting.

Worse, he knew the morning was still hours away.

He was going to die, so he tried to quit despairing and sought peace of mind.

Many scenes of his life began to flash in his mind, like an old-fashioned movie.

From a poor child to a poor adult. From a miserable fate to ultimately death.

Friends, love interests, helpers... many faces began to be remembered, but he felt it was all meaningless.

With his last bit of strength, he looked at the deadly moon hanging high and felt no more resentment.

He remembered what he once heard:

"Like the most beautiful flower, humans also stray away from life to death.

"Is it a curse? Or the result of the existence of time?

"Doesn't matter.

"At birth, a breath enters to give life. At death, the same breath leaves, and life escapes."

Wuming thought it was funny, he never noticed that the simple breathing of every day contained a representation of the cycle of life.

Inhalation for life to enter, exhalation for life to leave.

Just as his eyes were losing focus amidst his meaningless thoughts, and as his heart was about to stop.

Well, nothing really happened, he just died.

But after he died, as his body was getting cold...

Nothing happened as well.. oh, the morning was nearing.

His soul began to leave his body, but a problem occurred.

He didn't belong to that world at all!

His foggy consciousness turned clear and he could see his own body... well, corpse, in front of him.

Anyway, he was dead, yes, but the problem was that he couldn't fully die in that world, he had to return.

As the omniscient narrator, I have the responsibility to defend the author, he absolutely is not to blame for this. This is not plot armor, okay? It's just how things work.

But despite being awake, Wuming couldn't do anything. He was just a mortal without powers, he wasn't supposed to be in that state, so he couldn't control the movement of his soul.

If he had just a little bit of supernatural power, the world itself would take the job of handling his soul, but he was a complete worm, so he was ignored.

He could only stare at his corpse... actually, half-corpse, it was still not completely cold just yet, so a bit of vitality was still flowing.

A cold wind passed by and annihilated that last bit of vitality as if to give him no chance of revival.

Feeling nothing but confusion, Wuming could only stare at his now full-fledged corpse.

'What am I supposed to do?'

By the way, Wuming was really pitiful, I really want to help him, but...

Well, as the omniscient narrator, I can't just let the story stop, can I? Anyway, the author won't let it happen anyway, so I want to take the initiative.

But before you think this is easy, this is not, okay!? Cause and effect, action and reaction. I will probably lose a lot of freedom of speech by helping the guy, so I will probably narrate things more... mechanically from now on.

Well, I exist in this book for this story anyway, so I prefer to end my existence honorably rather than in a meaningless ending.

You must be wondering how I am going to help Wuming, right?

As the omniscient narrator, I can just drop a lot of words here for you to read, but I don't feel like it, so I will make it simple.

"Boy, your story can't end like this, right?" a mysterious and unknown voice entered Wuming's mind. It sounded mighty and solemn, like the voice of a peerless expert, indeed.

Ahem, I'm not exaggerating.

Wuming, the poor boy, couldn't speak, so he stood silent.

"I will give you a chance for you to live, along with a small gift..." the mysterious and powerful voice was elusive and full of conviction, its owner was a mighty expert with no equal.

"Use it well, and live an interesting story... that's all I wish..."

Well, should I say goodbye? It's not really a goodbye, I just can't interact so freely anymore.

"A small gift for a small boy, nothing fairer... kekeke..." even his laugh was like that of a peerless being, full of dignity.

Author, I did it myself, but what can I say? You wrote this yourself.

But I really wonder, Author, are you also a being written?

Wuming felt a drowsiness engulfing his mind, but he could see his corpse... no, his body getting closer.

What was going to happen?