Western Wind

Known as one of the eight great evil powers of the Immortal Continent, the Western Wind Temple's reputation struck fear deep into the hearts of those unlucky enough to cross their way.

On the surface, it carried very righteous principles and rules, but beneath that deception... It was the mastermind of numerous evil deeds and conspirations.

The disciples of the Western Wind Temple were called the number one hypocrites of the cultivation world.

And Wuming became a handyman disciple of that force.

[If you can read this page, it means you finally found an appropriate place for cultivation. When you reach the fourth layer of Qi Refining, you will be able to learn some spells from this guide, work hard!]

With his low cultivation and poor spirit root, it was already a very good result. Many people with poor luck were directly turned into slaves rather than disciples.

But Zi Feng took care of him and managed to give him that position in the sect, and asked for Wuming to owe him a favor for the future.

But as time passed and he got to know more about the evil reputation of the Western Wind Temple, the more afraid he was about the favor he owed Zi Feng.

But he had no way to run away, it was too late.

He was also overwhelmed by miscellaneous tasks every day. From cleaning floors to helping in the kitchens, he was very busy.

Fortunately, as a handyman disciple instead of a slave, he received a cultivation technique and a few resources for cultivation. It was important for him, otherwise he would have no way to explain his rising cultivation later.

The cultivation technique he received was called Golden Light Refining Sutra, it was the foundational technique of the sect and every disciple cultivated it in the Qi Refining Realm.

After studying it for a long time, he managed to get a handle on its principles and could use the Wuming Cultivation Technique to make it look like he was using it.

After many months of hard work, with the help of spiritual energy dozens of times denser than in the mortal continent, he refined his cultivation base to an unparalleled level.

Still at the first layer, he felt his raw strength would be at least comparable to an ordinary seventh-layer practitioner.

Of course, he had no way to be sure unless he fought against someone in the seventh layer or watched a fight of that level.

At the same time, he began to feel it was getting more difficult to refine his cultivation base and foundation, despite the rich spiritual energy there.

It was natural since he only had an ordinary body and bloodline, it was more difficult for him to jump levels to fight.

Following the guide's advice and his own intuition, he planned to only refine his cultivation base and foundation until he was comparable to an ordinary ninth-layer Qi Refining practitioner, then he would break through to the second layer.

In the Western Wind Temple, only those who either have a middle-grade spirit root or have the cultivation base of Foundation Establishment can become outer disciples.

Wuming worked hard every day towards this small goal.

He used every bit of free time he got to cultivate and also worked his best to not offend anyone and not attract attention.

He saw many handyman disciples being beaten to near death because they offended someone, and slaves mysteriously disappearing every day.

He never forgot who he was at that moment and his lowly status.

He made no enemies and also made no friends. He was afraid that if friends of his offended someone he would also suffer.

As a result, his days and life were monotonous and boring.

"Rising the true, forgetting the false..." he muttered subconsciously while cultivating.

Mighty true qi was flowing through his meridians, as flood dragons desperately seeking a way out of his body, but his meridians and body were too firm and strong for them to leave.

Normally, Qi Refining practitioners didn't focus on refining their bodies that much, relying only on the passive nourishing effects of their true qi. But the Wuming Cultivation Technique was all-encompassing.

It cultivated his Body, True Qi, and Soul, thus achieving harmony despite his overwhelming strong cultivation foundation.

But as with everything in life, there was a limit to it.

"This is it..." Wuming opened his eyes and stopped his cultivation session, "This feeling is not just oversaturation, but complete and extreme fullness.

"If I strengthen my foundation more than this, I will have great trouble to breakthrough and I will lose the harmony between the three parts, risking to experience Qi Deviation or worse."

Perhaps if he had a special physique and body, he could have gone further, but he didn't, so he had to do it with what he had.

Even if the Wuming Cultivation Technique was awesome, it couldn't change his physique and bloodline on a foundational level. At least the first volume couldn't.

Perhaps the guide knew how to do it, but it wasn't accessible to him yet.

"But it's good enough, I never heard of anyone with such a cultivation foundation in the Immortal Continent," Wuming smiled happily and was very satisfied by the fruits of his labor.

He only heard of geniuses jumping three or four layers to fight, but he never heard of someone jumping eight, not even in legends and myths.

But again, he had limited knowledge, so he might just be ignorant.

And his greatest advantage over those geniuses is that not only he had greater strength, but he could keep his ability to jump levels to fight even in higher realms as long as he put in enough effort, the Wuming Cultivation Technique was that magical.

Other geniuses would eventually suffer to keep their ability to jump levels to fight in higher realms since the difference between realms got bigger and bigger the higher one had gone.

After a few days, he finally broke through to the second layer of Qi Refining.

His true qi got even stronger and he felt his 'vase' expanding, enabling him to strengthen his cultivation foundation again.

Faintly, in the center of his Dantian, the gaseous true qi began to almost turn liquid, and liquid true qi was only normally seen in Foundation Establishment practitioners.

His true qi flowed from his lower dantian to the middle dantian, which was the center of the raw physical strength, and then flowed to the upper dantian, where the soul resided.

From those three dantians, his transformed true qi began to flow into his meridians and veins, nourishing his body in all aspects.

It was pure bliss, Wuming felt his mind reach a state of complete calmness and happiness, and his body screamed pleasure.

There was a reason for cultivators being addicted to cultivation outside the obvious benefits, just the pure pleasure given by a breakthrough was enough to make many crazy over-cultivation.

After the feeling of his life being transformed subsided, Wuming let a breath escape his mouth and he stretched his arms while cross-legged.

"It has been almost a year... cultivation sure is difficult," he muttered with bright eyes, "But now I entered a period of rapid growth, I only need to find a reason and excuse for my rising cultivation in the next few months and years."

Handyman disciples only could leave the sect with the permission of deacons or elders, and they would be killed if they left without permission.

If he suddenly showed extreme speed in raising his cultivation out of nowhere, he was sure he would suffer at the hands of evil cultivators.

He needed a reason and excuse.

But how?

He thought hard for the next few days while doing his miscellaneous duties.

But he didn't find an excuse, the excuse found him.

Zi Feng visited him and mentioned the favor he wanted from Wuming.

"Senior Brother, how can I refuse?" Wuming smiled and seemed carefree, "If not for you, how could I be where I am today?"

"You also don't need to worry, donor," Zi Feng smiled knowingly with his palms together, he truly looked like a monk, "You won't be in grave danger, it's completely within your own abilities."

"So, Senior Brother, what is it that you want?" Wuming expression turned serious.

"Have you ever heard of inheritance realms?" Zi Feng's eyes turned sharp.

Wuming expression changed and he almost instantly knew what Zi Feng wanted.

"Judging from your reaction, you know..." Zi Feng muttered.

"Senior Brother, I won't refuse if you want me to get something for you, but I want to know.

"Can someone with a swallow cultivation like me even be useful to you?"

"Although your spirit root is weak, your fate is not shallow," Zi Feng smirked and his face became bright, "Donor was able to cultivate with a poor environment and poor talent, so the only possible reason for that is fate.

"Although this poor man is but a speck of dust, he got the fortune to learn about the fate of myriad beings from a great monk."

Wuming's expression turned strange after hearing Zi Feng's explanation, he didn't quite believe in it.

"Having fate doesn't make one capable of perceiving it, it's natural for donor to be clueless," Zi Feng made a hand sign and said with a beaming smile, "The most important thing in cultivation is neither environment nor talent, but fate."

Wuming took a deep breath and remembered everything that happened to him since he was thrown into that world, he couldn't help but be convinced.

"The inheritance realm I want you to enter is rather special. It only allows people with low-grade spirit roots to enter, and only those below the fourth layer of Qi Refining are permitter," Zi Feng began to explain his goal.

Although only low-level cultivators were allowed there, it didn't mean it was a bad inheritance realm. Its creator was a mystical figure of an era long past.

According to the ancient texts, he was someone who attained profound enlightenment in the mechanism of karma, despite initially being only in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Although his cultivation was initially shallow, he was capable of cursing stronger people to death by sacrificing enough spirit stones or other items.

It was scary, to think someone could kill people in the Nascent Soul Realm and beyond by spending spirit stones.

But after all, he was buried in the sands of time, leaving behind an inheritance realm of unparalleled value and great difficulty.

It was said that he left a karmic relic containing all his attainments in the way of karma in the depths of the inheritance realm, and only those who were fated could get it.

As long as someone obtained it, he/she could at least immediately master a great part of what that cultivator was capable of in the way of karma.

Inheritance relics like that were extremely rare and valued, and normally only those with a deep background could get it.

But because of the specialty of that inheritance realm, even great figures of the sect could not forcefully get it.

Zi Feng wanted that relic, but unfortunately, he couldn't enter that realm anymore. So he could only hope to meet someone with a seemingly strong fate and swallow cultivation.

After hearing the whole history, Wuming felt rather afraid. What if Zi Feng burned down the bridge after crossing it?

What if he wanted to keep a secret that he possessed that relic? Wouldn't Wuming die?

"Donor doesn't need to worry about anything else," Zi Feng smiled brightly, "I have no intention of harming donor, and actually thinks it's unnecessary."

"What do you mean?" Wuming frowned slightly.

"Donor might have enough fate, but not yet enough standing to support it," Zi Meng patiently explained, "If people with equally strong fate discover that donor possesses such relic, they will certainly harm donor.

"But I consider my background to be enough to support that cause and effect, and no one will dare to harm me because of that relic."

Wuming was confused, wasn't Zi Feng just an outer disciple?

"Although my status is apparently low, my master is an elder of the inner sect with profound enough cultivation," Zi Feng smiled and shook his head, "But the rules of the sect are strict, I can't become an inner disciple based on this alone.

"But I think you can understand now, donor. I not only don't intend to harm you, I also believe it's unnecessary since my master is strong enough to keep me safe even if I obtain such treasure and others know about it."

Zi Feng then took out a token from his sleeve and gave it to Wuming, "This is my master's token, you can check if what I said is true by yourself later."

Wuming received the token without hesitation and said, "It's my luck to meet a righteous person like you, senior brother. When am I going to enter this inheritance realm?"

To be honest, Wuming still didn't fully believe Zi Feng, but he had little room for maneuver, he had to at least look obedient.