Chapter 111:The Queen's Mission [3]

"What happens to the world in the future...if you know about it, of course."

Seeing no reason to lie, I placed the black cat on my lap to stop it from franticly running around and replied.

"We win, the demons are eradicated, and the Elven realm perseveres through some tough times but survives in the end."

Watching her nod her head and intently stare at me for more information, I couldn't help but ask.

"You actually believe me?"

I mean, I most definitely wouldn't believe some random person who says they know the future. 

I would have just pushed off my entrance into the World Tree as some coincidence and not immediately assumed that person was the future.

Letting out a slight chuckle, Liana turned to face the abyss of black surrounding us and replied.

"Why not? If it's true, then it's true, and if it's false, it's still interesting nonetheless."