Chapter 207:Visitors [1]

Not wasting a second, I exited the Royal Dormitory before arriving back at my dorm.

Although today consisted of just physical labor, I gathered plenty of information about the principal from Charlotte's stories.

Know your enemy better than yourself.

That was a line I took to heart... and one that I could actually use, considering I had read and followed the adventures of the very characters I was fighting for over two years.

Slumping into bed, I glanced at the windowsill where my cat was sleeping before closing my eyes.

Tomorrow was the first day of official recruitment, and my days of relaxation would come to an end.




Awoken by the sun's rays beaming down on my face and the sound of chirping birds from outside the window, I sighed.

It was false!

Today was the first day of snow, yet the sun was still shining as brightly as ever, and clouds were not even visible in the light blue sky.