Chapter 274:Underwater [4]

Zach was at the front of the group, wielding his gigantic battle axe against the group of djinns gathered in front of him.

Though the djinns had the clear number advantage, that didn't mean they were able to surround the main cast.

With the obsidian wall of the vault behind them, Alya had realized and decided to use it to their advantage.

With her ice sword, Alya manifested ice pillars that stretched all the way from the ground to the ceiling of the underground space.

The pillars covered the left and right sides of the main cast, meaning the djinns could only attack from the front.

The main case that created a funnel for the djinns.

After Zach made first contact with the djinns, temporarily stunning them with the power of his battle axe, Liam and Kevin made their moves.

Like a wolf hunting for its prey, Kevin would pounce forward with his sword, which was covered in a dark red hue.