Chapter 307:The Underground [2]

No longer was I standing on the obsidian door with Ruby, but now, I was on the floor of the vault with a pile of magical artifacts next to me.

"Ah...I guess I'm the thrower now."

Taking a peek over my right shoulder, I spotted everyone continuing to mindlessly collect the magical artifacts.

Every so often, though, one person would suddenly stop working and move around, searching for any traces of the intruders.

Normally, my strategy would have just been to let my corrupted figure function, as everybody would just ignore it as long as the job was getting done.

However, with everyone so paranoid due to the lack of information about the intruder, the main cast was much more cautious and observant.

Simply turning around to face that wall so that the main cast, student council president, and two recruiters wouldn't be able to see my face wouldn't work anymore.

So...instead, I decided to call in a favor.