A Breakfast Spat

I searched his eyes for a hint that he was joking, but the intensity in his gaze did not let up.

"Alessander, you cannot be serious. We came here to end all this!" I snapped, my fingers ran through my hair, gripping it tightly by the base.

He smiled, "Don't you trust me?"

My pitch went high, "Trust?" The anger didn't let me finish, and also did Alessander, he wrapped his arms around my waist and said in a coaxing tone.

"All of this is for us. Once grandfather dies and Matteo takes the blame, there won't be anyone in our path anymore." He explained.

I would be lying if I said that he didn't buy me over with this.

"I know, but-"

"There's nothing to worry over. I'll handle it. You just lay low and watch everything unfold." Without another word he kissed my forehead and made for the door.

"Wait-" I tried to ask where he was going but I knew within my heart that he was going to her room, to spend the night.