Klaus' eyes slowly opened wide when he noticed Tessa movement, before his eyes could trail to Tessa standing point, Tessa hands had already touched him, and his body was responding to the touch, he was getting pushed out of the way. 


What was Tessa doing! This attack could kill her, for the second time in his life, Klaus was afraid, his heart stopped functioning due to the fear that spring up in his body. 


Klaus could only mutter as he slowly got pushed out of the way. There was  no way he could be fast enough to help Tessa, if he hadn't sealed his power, this would have been too easy for him, but now, he had to first break the spell, before he would be able to move, by that time, Tessa would've received the hit already. 

Damn it! Damn it! 

'Please Tessa.. Don't die'