"Sir, Sir, sir, do you copy"

Team C report froze everyone in their position.

How did Klaus make it to all four areas in a matter of minutes? 

How did Klaus manage to kill a hundred men in a few minutes? 

How could a Private pull this kind of show? 

These were the thoughts of everyone, including Tessa. She didn't know Klaus was this good, she had never perceived this side of him before. 

In total, Klaus eliminated three hundred men all by himself. 

This thought alone made the place silent. 

"We heard you captain"

Roy helped Sir Mateo answer the call. He too was shocked to hear what Klaus had just accomplished in a matter of minutes.

Could it be that the enemies were so weak that they couldn't stop a mere Private in the military. He would've emphasize on this thought, but how would he explain how Klaus got to all four areas in matters of minutes.