Immediately Lord Hamilton raised his hand up, Tessa's body was lifted above the ground again. Her eyes subconsciously closed. 

She knew this was the end of the road for her. She had purposely offended Lord Hamilton so he would just kill her immediately, the pain was too unbearable for her.

It was just too much.

She thought she could hang on and pray that somebody comes to her rescue, but she just couldn't take the pain anymore, her whole body was bleeding and it wasn't stopping. Death was the only way, it was ten times better than struggling.

As Tessa eyes closed, an image of Klaus flashed to her head. 

When she hugged Klaus at the train station, she thought he was going to die, only for head commander Grayson to spare his life.

She remembered when Klaus defended her at green belt restaurant. What about when Klaus taught her how to hold her grandfather gun properly, that day he was hugging her from behind, his breath was heavy that day.