Hunt: Games

Registration is almost over. Now the teams would fight for the five places where Chief Lolo and all the judges evaluate who are the perfect teams to be sent to Yomi Island without the doubt of risking their lives for the sake of their mates.

Speaking of the games. These are supposed to be the names of the spirits that the hunter warriors will face in Yomi Island:


Kombu- friendly monster and gives free hugs

Isabelline- careful monster but stabs when angry

Nadeshiko- caring mother spirit but kills with her poison skulls

Fern- little innocent demon with tiny flesh eating plant (eats rats)

Peach- guide monster with the power of invisibility

Olivine- greedy monster and uses seduction to attract humans (her body like breasts, buttocks and waist thinner, bigger and fluffier)

Cinnamon- friendly demon and can morph herself into a human or demon

Alloy- angelic spirit and she uses light to guide or blind the monsters

Nyanza- dumb monster but can meow ten times louder to ear make ears bleed

Cerulean- guide spirit and uses levitation to help humans

Lavender- sweet human and can morph into objects

Aero- adventurous human and uses his necklace to protect

Terra- rude human but developed to grow her hair and squeeze people to death with it

Grullo- dangerous two-headed monster with one head breathes fire is happy and the other head breathes ice but sad to see her sister. Both have long arms.

Almond- silent stitched-up doll that widens his mouth, can wake up the neighborhood by yelling too loud. Humans get irritated that they would run after him to stitch his mouth and shut him up

Bistre-mysterious fashionista monster and uses her strings to kill people. She evolves her string longer and chokes people to death.

Amythyst- evil spirit using her sharp stones to cut or hurt

Claret- spirit with a lovely voice to help making others fall asleep

Misty- forgetful sad spirit with a bear that was given by a friend (the bear helps him to remember his friend and know who he is). His power is crying loudly or softly forever. He lives in a wooden house for ten years.

Mimi- Misty's confused ghost sister who gives love to depressed and happy people . She helps others to cope with what they are dealing with by kissing and hugging them.

Ming- cunning spirit that uses human's weakness to manipulate them

Mint- alert spirit who uses her pointy/thorny hair hurt others since she doesn't know for her own good

The Hunt game starts with the eliminations. Then, five teams with a duo will enter the finals which will happen in Yomi Island. Blood and soul thirsty monsters, spirits and demons will wage war against our brave hunters and huntresses. But will they survive the challenge. The Hunt game have introduced champion after champions but there is always a price to pay in every competition. But in Hunt's case, it's always a spirit for a life. Keyoshi hasn't teamed up with a girl but usually with a friend or a colleague hunter from her tribe. Yuna is someone she doesn't want to be close with. Many girls had a crush on her for her valiance but every time Yuna enters the scene, she couldn't seem to take her eyes off her and compose herself. Yuna is indeed very beautiful and a smart huntress. Keyoshi knows that she is the last person this pretty face would befriend since they're from an opposing team.

At the Mimiko Fire Hunters Session (Middle Forest)

Why do I need to learn about these spirits and their weaknesses? I can just kill them with my spear or set them on fire with my powers? Right?, Keyoshi interrupted since very impatient with the hunters training sessions they had been doing for a week now.

Keyoshi, the monsters and demons we're going to face aren't just the usual mountain lion or river crocodiles that you usually hunt. They are fierce and unforgiving. These out of this world demons can kill you merely by looking at you. They are so used to humans entering the island that the smell of our blood and sweat can make them crazy enough to follow and hunt us like we are their prey. It is like we are sheeps amongst pack of wolves for the kill. And we should be prepared for the worst…Yuna explained having further knowledge of Yomi Island and the spirits roaming the place for hundreds of years.

Hmm….maybe for you! Haha! But we are all experienced hunters, here, are we not? A girl, pretty as you, shouldn't be bossing us around, just because you're a chief's daughter, you can…., Jelioz interrupted.

Stop it, Jelioz. Sit…..sit down!, Chief Lolo said in his calm but aggressive tone. We all know this but it is best to listen to Yuna. She has studied Yomi Island and it is better to know the ins and outs of the place…

So, to make sure that we will get out alive, right?, Jelioz butted again.

No….to make sure that all of you would know how to get out!, Chief Lolo added.

And also no….none of you will get out of there! We are helping all of you to get a hands on knowledge to be able to find ways on how to stay alive and get out of there alive…Taiyo replied with an indistinct air.