Dark Queens 1a

Yuna and Keyoshi are seen hugging each other, when an explosion was heard from a distance.

Keyoshi, Yuna, hurry!!!!!, Drake said waking up the couple, his head popping inside the tent.

Drake, what happened? Keyoshi clearing her eyes off. Yuna is starting to wake up and looking at Drake. Drake?, Yuna said questioning the dragon's worried look.

There has been a forest fire and I think it is caused by Morphia's combustion, Drake said helping the couple to ride him. Let's take a closer look!

We should save the warrior hunters. What should we do?, Yuna said looking at me.

Ah…hmmm..let's create a diversion. I'll jump and get Morphia's attention. Look she's busy throwing fire out of that mother f..king whale like mouth…ewwee!, Keyoshi replied and jumped out of Drakes neck. Shi….wait!, Yuna said but the girl already was on a diving position looking for a tree to throw her hook and axe so she slid down from an 800 feet drop. She eyed a hill near Morphia fire trigging happy at everyone she sees and burn all living to pieces. Some hunters where able to throw rubble and big trunks or send out gallons of water or ice but neither heat nor cold can suppress the evil queen's determination to kill whoever that comes her way in conquering Yoshi Island and the world starting from the isle and Yomi as well. Morphia saw Keyoshi and telepahied Serpentia who immediately blocked Keyoshi's way and cut her iron line from the hill she hooked her axe on and dropped from 500 to 100 feet above the ground.

Keyoshi managed to unhook her axe in time for the cut but Serpantia hit her iron line that caused her to swerve towards the tree which she almost bumped into and lost her grip from her axe. Using her hand she grasped the tree branches and jumped from one side of the tree to the other like a ninja jumping swiftly to tree tops. Yet Keyoshi incurred bruises and cuts while sliding her way to safety until she reached the ground her feet on the side and her other leg on downright position.

Yuna asked Drake to fly down to immediately when she saw Keyoshi on the ground. Yuna was worried but she also wanted to help the warriors and ordered Drake to get one warrior after the other to pull them to safety, one on the tree, hill or ocean, just to be far away from danger and the queens of the underworld.


Keyoshi!!!!!!!, behind you!

Serpentia is about to splash me with her sticky venom that when a person catches this, it can damage his or her skin and can lead to death when left untreated right away. I jumped out of harms way and Serpentia's poison covered a tree that quickly dried and died from the spit. Morphia is still busy with mentally manipulating the dragons and beasts of Yoshi that the poor animals continued lining up and entering the a Caven that maybe leading them to the underworld or what we call in layman's term, hell. Her eyes are full black and the vibe is like an aura surrounding the whole of Yoshi island, that animals, small and huge follow the call making them vulnerable, weak and prey to wild beasts that either catch and eat them or play and kill them.

The warrior hunters were glad to see Yuna and I but they hurriedly hid for cover when Serpentia saw them running and trying to hit her with axes, swords and some man-made and magic fire powers. The queen of the damned just laughed and coldly shoved one animal after the other just to catch a warrior and break his or her bones or by mere touching them, suck all their energy and being leaving each hunter dry and lifeless.

I acted fast and jumped over to Serpentia's back. She looks like a snake with a head of a woman with teeth of a vampire and eyes of a cobra. Her teeth are so sharp that while I was holding both of her hands to keep her from breaking people's bodies, she tried to bite me several times. When she is unable to do so, Serpentia loosen her tongue so long to wrap around my neck and break it. I was quick to see her cunning move and pulled my sword from below and cut her tongue in the middle. Blood sprouted and covered my head and face that I needed to shove the dark red closer to black liquid off me.

Ahhhh…..arrr....you...filthy, witch!, Serpentia angrily shouted and loosen her grip which was her tongue.

Aha…me, a witch, then what are you?

 Ahhhh…..arrr...….haa......., Serpentia growled in pain, that though her tongue regenerates it is not as long as it was before, but the woman moved along and hid in the tall bushes to maybe recuperate from what I did.