Now!, Keyoshi said while Sarasti used his powers to make the vertigos numb and then, Tilly, Keno, Nidar and Gull moved quickly to strike one vertigo to the other on a leg, cut a vertigos eye so it won't be able to see or stick a sword in between a vertigo's throat since its shell is harder than metal, a sword won't be able to stick through it.
Then, Yuna and the rest of the warrior hunters used their powers of strength, agility, flight or slimy body to get a hold of every vertigo they were able to catch. Nidar is happy to see his pet Merdor who tried to scout them to bring news about their progress in Yoshi island. Nidar whistled for the bird to check on the vertigos and seeing through Merdor's eyes, the warrior hunters killed three and another at long range when Merdor spotted another from afar. But that vertigo, though hurt wanted to escape. Merdor flew fast and plucked that vertigo's eye using its beak. The vertigo growled and when Keyoshi saw it from a distance, she moved fast and ran towards it thus striking the animal down in its heart near its neck using her axe. Color dark red and yellow blood gushed out of it and Keyoshi was under it when it happened. Some of the big men and women hunters helped lift the vertigo that is about 50 feet tall and 150 feet wide so they can help Keyoshi. But the Chosen Warrior appeared on top of the vertigo covered all over with its blood holding and raising her sword up on top of the dead vertigo.
Everyone laughed and applauded Keyoshi. Haa…you silly hunter lover!, Yuna whispered seeing her girlfriend alive and successfully killing a vertigo hundred times her size.
(A/N: "Happy Valentine's Day": February 13, 2023)
Next stop, piles and pieces of vertigo leg, claw, meat are being roasted and heated for soup, grill and barbeque. Yummy!, my favorite!, Nidar said while appreciating Sarasti and Tilly's cooking styles. Keyoshi and Yuna are walking at a lagoon near the warriors camp site. They wanted to be left alone for a while. Keyoshi is now resting her head on Yuna's lap. The lagoon is just a couple of miles the size of the river in Yoshi. It is sphere shaped and lighted by the stone minerals and algae that surrounds it. It is so beautiful and relaxing to see.
Wow!!!!!, Keyoshi thought and looked at her girl. Yuna, it is so lovely, right?
Yes, it is and it's like I don't want to leave this place, ever!, Yuna replied still looking at the lagoon while brushing Shi's hair using her fingertips.
Huh, maybe, we can stay here! Let's forget about Yomi and live here or somewhere we can just relax, love and not be heroes from some kind of a fairy tale game our ancestors created. Let's go and have a family!, Keyoshi excited.
Keyoshi, are you serious? It's a nice offer but we have a responsibility to do and a rule to follow!
What are rules? We are just introduced in this game because of the prestige, the power and being the Champion is the only thing that captures every warrior's heart! So what is power if we lose our lives, if I lose you!
I don't want to lose you too, but we pledged our lives to finish the game and we are obliged to so it whether we feel like it or not! It is our sworn decision..and
Yeah, I know! If you don't want to be with me then you could have just told me! I'll swim first. If you'll go back to camp, just tell them I'll be there in a bit! See you around!, Keyoshi added taking off her clothes and walking inside the lagoons waters. It's light flickering in and out while the warrior splashes and swims in.
Keyoshi!!!, Yuna said trying to hold her girlfriends hand to stop her from swimming in the lagoon but she couldn't and Keyoshi tapped it before she could hold her.
Yuna sadly turned around and walked away, back to camp. But they didn't realize that there is danger approaching in Disyerto that no warrior is aware of. Disyerto has protectors and they both didn't want any human destroying the peace, killing or much over eating their animals in this desert land.
Two eyes with yellow gold and red colors appear in the sky that Keyoshi didn't notice that one is looking at her and the other at Yuna. So vivid that both are about to be in a scary mess right now.
Huh….who's there?, Keyoshi shouted when the water in the lagoon moved. Yuna, babe, I'm sorry but…huh, who are you?
A half woman half scorpion appeared in the waters and when she is about six feet to Keyoshi, changed to a beautiful and luscious woman, naked and gold.
I…am sorry, I am just washing myself up and about to leave. It's nice to meet you ma'am, I need to go back to our camp. Good night, my lady!
Why hurry, when I can help you with your problem. Your girlfriend doesn't love you. I can quench your thirst and fill you with a whole lot of love now, Keyoshi!, the feisty woman said and her voice echoed making Keyoshi feel warm and excited.
I am Helena and I have been watching you closely. If Yuna can't appreciate you well enough to be with you. I can be your partner for life and live here with me. For as long as you want, for the rest of your life!, Hmm…..
Helena, ah, it's okay. That's so kind of you but no thanks… I love my girlfriend so much. So, I'll go ahead and ….., Keyoshi said but Helena's eyes and mouth got wide. She spitted webs that covered Keyoshi's mouth and eyes, then Helena lifted her up from the water and rolled webs all over her body so she won't be able to move.
Keyoshi found herself on top of a sycamore tree that looked so old and about 250 feet in height. The webs on her eyes and mouth just fell off and saw she is inside a spider's home web that reaches 400 feet wide.