
Yuna ran towards her dad and Jazpar hugged his daughter tight. Jelioz tried his best not to react but he is always skeptic about people and the company he is now. He believes that everyone is a competitor and bad. Too bad he feels that way though and couldn't see the goodness in each person most especially from the one he loves, Nidar. Only Chana knows their secret affair and as a warrior they have an oath not to meddle with hunters personal concerns or relations unless the one discloses it to them. Until they do, they haven't seen or heard anything. That's how gallant and valiant warrior hunters now. Unlike the politicians in the world who trade dignity for money or respect for popularity. How sad that some of our leaders are materialistic and pessimists than selfless and honestly generous.

Hey, how's it going? Hunts checking his team. Everything's fine boss, Sindid smiled, Nidar just went to look for Merdor. Okay, maybe he's just flying around looking for food. Thanks. Rest for a bit we need to attend the welcoming committee at the Foresty for a welcoming celebration. I'm so glad almost all of our warriors came home safe and in one piece!

All the pairs came home to their teams, tribes and countries with open arms and congratulatory remarks. They all did great and thanking the gods for coming home safe and still in one piece. The life of a hunter is not bad but also not safe. Their lives are always on the line not escaping the claws and fangs of predators, angry gods or hungry dark spirits waiting for them to make mistakes or travel into the abyss, the dangerous realm of the dead and evils.

At the meet and party.

Thank you ladies and gents for coming. I am so delighted to receive your birthday greetings but the most important celebration we are doing now is the moment that all our hunter warriors came home from Yoshi Isle. And this is one of the greatest achievements before venturing to their highest and scariest battles that will commence at the end of this month in the Hunts Games that will happen at Yomi Island.

Taiyo, what will happen to the teams? Are we going to be split up or be placed on different teams?, Chana asked.

Thanks Chana, actually your teams are smaller compared to the ones we had five years ago! When you left for Yoshi, all teams are comprised of two and at about 20 all in all. Now we are left to 10 teams from different respective tribes, clans, teams and categories.

And I know more will be cut off as we venture and travel to Yomi Island, soon!, Taiyo added with some warriors humming, whispering and clamoring on the death and dangers of their jobs as hunters. Everyone! I know and I understand your concerns! Don't worry, I will be with you every step of the way in the travels to Yomi! So, rest assured that you will not be alone in the completion of the competition. Now drink, and eat, you all deserve it. Have fun and a good night to all of you!

Taiyo! Happy birthday!, I said while trying to look for Yuna, if she attended the party. Jazpar is talking with Lolo. Maybe she is with Isaac and bingo I did see them walk out of the party.

Stop it Isaac, we're over and I'm with Keyoshi now!, Yuna said pulling her arm away from Isaac's hold.

 I know and maybe because you just wanted to be with a popular gal, the warrior princess or chosen, whatever?, Isaac annoying Yuna.

I walked and tried to listen to their argument. She is a much better person than you, Isaac. She is the person I want to be with because she cares not just for me but for the whole tribe, for Mimiko!, Yuna replied strongly.

Aha…okay, suit yourself! Good bye then!, Isaac added and left Yuna alone in the darker part of the forest.

Hey!, I said after hearing their argument. Hi!, you heard everything? Sorry about it!, Yuna sounding apologetic. No, it's okay. It's me who should be sorry! I dragged you to believe that we can make it together and having a crazy relationship where many wouldn't approve of!

I don't care Keyoshi! I love you and I want to spend my lifetime with you!, Yuna honest. Thanks Yuna, babe, but what if something happens or what if I won't make it out of Yomi? I donlt want you to live regretting you chose a chosen hunter warrior for nothing!, I explained.

Stop it, Shi, it's nonsense. You'll make it and we will help each other to win the games. To be the champions and come home alive and well!, Yuna pretty convinced about it.

Okay, if you say so! Then, let's go!, I said holding Yuna's hand and walking back to the party.

The music is banging our eardrums and some hunters are already drunk and some dancing with their partners and wives/husbands, gf/bf.

Wait….what is this? Where am I?...

Keyoshi!!! You are in the new world!, the past is the present, the present is the future!

Look and see for yourself, a voice spoke through a smoky scene where I am standing in front of some what a mirror where I can see everything happening. Then, I appeared to the place. People, children are wearing coats since it's very cold in a winter season. I saw a house where there's men and women building a machine. A time machine. How did I know that it is a technology that maybe had been created long before the Egyptian era or the beginning of time.

I was there and saw myself chatting with my friends or maybe family members. They were building a electric operated car but since they are still young they just used toy cars. But as if like magic, the boys who are making the toy car became young men and now building a real car and machines that run using electricity and batteries. There is this dashboard so huge that it occupied the wall of the house. I was there and I am a teenager like myself now. I pushed a button and the young men disappeared. I saw in a television like box that these young men are living in a different realm, world maybe time, where they are being celebrated by people, their accomplishments, inventions and creations. But I thought that it's just play and a game that I pushed the button again.