Though I have a house and a family, ah..that was like maybe, 20 years or so ago, they were loving and funny but since my father died, mother never spend time with me nor my brothers. She left us with a nanny and married another guy. My life was never always sad but when I had an accident slipping on and hitting my head on a rock at a hiking event 10 years ago, I kind of forgot all about it and just wanted to remember my story because of my one true love, Sake. He was my fiancé and when I had the accident he was with me all the time. He carried me to the steep of ups and downs of the mountain we hiked on. And never gave up on me. I saw him suffering so much until I lost all communications to him since it no longer interest me to time warp to the future just to see him and his condition. I think he got married and had children. The dream he wanted to have with me. I want to be free from Yomi but I love it here, though there are bully spirits and monsters I coped and still want to stay since it's home to me. And for many years that I haven't encountered a human I think having warrior hunters once every five years is sort of an absolution, salvation from the misery and loneliness we feel when no one seem to care about us or even be scared of us. As if we no longer exist in the world, so when the Hunt comes, it's always an exciting event for all spirits, monsters and entities from the underworld. Because we get to see humans and share our scare tactics and or killing styles to them puny but sweet tiny souls.
Dad, where do I need to put this?, a boy asked a man painting something on a canvas clipped proud on its stand.
Oh, Mika, honey! teach Simon where he needs to place this piece of a puzzle, please! I just need to finish this work for tomorrow.
Okay daddy!, Mommy asked if you like pizza for dinner!, Mika smiling and showing her brother where to put the piece. Right!, good work, Simon!, she added patting his head.
Sake, babe! I ordered pizza, anyway, we will be heading to the resto tomorrow, right? After your exhibition?, a woman asked while dialing a number on her cell phone.
Yeah!, oh, by the way, Iris, can I garb something first thing in the morning. I need to get my tux at the shop. They called me earlier today!
Sure thing, we'll go ahead at the site with Judy then!, Iris said walked towards Sake and kissed his lips.
Yum!!!, haha!, Sake said and laughed, while Iris made a sexy walk and flipped her dress as if asking her husband to join him inside the bedroom. Hmm…while waiting for the pizza, okay dear! I'm almost….done….done!!! Hehe, here I come!, Sake said like a roaring lion running after Iris and the kids watched them laughing since they thought their parents are just playing around.
Kombu, thank you! Stop, I don't want to see this. I'm forgotten, done and over with! He and my family doesn't remember me at all. So, let's go, It's okay, I'm good, I'm happy where I am today! With you and some good but naughty friends, hihi!, Miyaki whispering in the wind and at Kombu who showed her about Sake and his family's life now on the stream.
But little did Miyaki know, the girl on the canvas was her. The beautiful, subtle and smiling girl Sake loved and still loves until today. Miyaki didn't see it but Kombu did and his eyes were filled with sadness which he wanted to tell his friend about but respects her decision not to bother him and his happy family. The good natured monster didn't want to meddle with Miyaki's personal affairs, he never did ever since he met her anyway. Maybe it is for the best and for everyone's sake. He is more concerned about Miyaki and her feelings than the man or her love.
We were never just monsters or spirits before. We were also humans once in our lifetime, Kombo said in his mind.
We were happy and excited too of living and experiencing many things in the world. Traveling, dating, loving and having a family and or being with friends, partying or drinking. Those were the days when we are alive, well and happy with our love ones and dearest to us. We were prone to sadness, anxieties or depressions. We are never alone and always with people. We seldom have an alone time and always busy whether, working, playing or doing our hobbies. They were indeed, memorable and rich days which if we can go back to the past, we will do them all over again.
I'm sorry Kombu, thanks for the hospitality but I need to get back. See you tomorrow, okay!, Miyaki uttered and hugged her fluffiest friend. Kombu smiled and waved goodbye. Miyaki went back to her part of the isle, inside a tree she laid down and napped.
You will see in the dark, misty and colorful night, monsters of all sorts. Big, small, ugly, fearsome or strange. They can be tamed or dangerous souls and monsters. Since the spirits are dead, they just roam around the isle all night and dark days or years, sometimes forever. Yomi is always dark and scary. Every decade just like seasons that shift, the land would be filled with spirits and then blinding lights would come every now and then in search and pick up of good, lost and faithful souls. There are unfortunate situations that bad, ingrate and unfaithful souls are left behind. Thus, there are those who never want to leave anymore since they got used to the dark and the place, they tend to forget and be forgotten forever with the monsters and unfaithfuls all together.
If one spirit wants to go back to a body, he or she can just borrow one to lie inside and live like nothing happened. But in order to do that, a soul needs to be cleansed and can only get inside a person or body through a crack like a scar which is true when it is said that light, life and love can enter a person when he or she is broken. Meaning, souls can enter a human being when she or he has openings or holes. Just like God who can enter a heart of a person inside the hallow space which is always meant for Him and the Holy Spirit.
Hey!, are you okay?
Yes, Cinnamon, you?