Hell Town

Ahhhh….Growwwwlllllll!!!!, one kid appeared and seemed innocent in front of Cris, but then he suddenly charged at the soldier with huge sharp teeths like a growling lion, thus Cris shot it with full power. Maaan! He was dead scary! Huh…ha…huh!, Cris still lying on the grown with the kid's saliva all over his shirt cried.

Now that's what we call child's play! Let's get it on, b*tches!!!!, Kana with Sugar and Jill preparing their fire power from their humatrons.

Just keep quiet and stay clam, they don't usually charge if we appear harmless. They are just scared as we are!, Sindid sighed and ordered the others to stay calm and cool.

Huh, how can you be calm in this situation when we are surrounded by these little hungry monsters!, Cris added and moved behind Sarasti who laughed silently while looking at the scared man behind him.

Here let's see if we can destract them with this meat, the millipede we caught, though I didn't kill it it just died today so it's still fresh, Jill said being helped by Sugar and Kana carrying the big insect to hand over to Sarasti. Sarasti then carried it looking at Keyoshi awating her signal so that all the warrior hunters and soldiers will be able to run away from the town. Emu, Acamara, Keno, Mera, Kish, Veluis, Kisha along with Sindid, Yuna, Nidar and the soldiers, ran towards the forest escaping the town, as Sarasti held the millipede and threw it in the center of the ghost like county of Hela. After this the insect hasn't dropped on the ground yet when hundreds of Hela kid monsters grabbed the insect and one by one tore the limbs, legs and ate the meat of the insect. The millipede was already shells and left overs thus it didn't take a minute after Sarasti threw it for the kids to munch on.

Wow!!!, that's a hell of teeth they have, they can even crunch on the shells and venoms!, Cris said while running away from the town along side the warrior hunters and soldiers. They are almost at the bridge to the next town when Skipper and Skull wage the rovers driving over some of the little monsters who were crushed to pieces since they tried to stop the guys right at the center of Hela Town. Benie and Kish were left at the back of the team that two kids almost caught them to be eaten. Some warriors fought by using their swords, jungle bolos and bows & arrows to stop the monsters in moving forward. Kish was beaten on the hand since she tried to punch one kid while Benie is struggling his way out of the town carrying her on his back. Skipper saw this and nodded to Skull that they run over the kids to kill them. It's feels bad hurting the kids but they are no longer human but monsters who were turned to be one when Kemolohlun took their parents and turned them into his minions or demons a couple of years ago.

Whenever one person gets bitten by a Hela kid, he or she turns into a monstrous tree that if couldn't eat meat or human flesh, they would eventually die. They only die when burned or lay rotten without food or meat to eat.

Kish, oh no!, Benie said. Thanks but you shouldn't have doen that!. Kish smiled and tried to stop her bleeding hand but it's no use, it's already starting to become a tree bark. BEnie, stop, wait! I need to do this!, Kish added and sat on a huge rock, asked for Benie's swiss army knife, asked for his scarf and bit on it. She waited for a couple of seconds and and ordered Benie to cut her hand. Wait I think the knife won't do it in a single blow, how about this!, Kish said holding her bolo and gave it to scared Benie. Ready!, Benie asked then when Kish isn't looking he gave a heavy blow and cut Kish's hand which flew to the ground a couple of feet away from them. Blood oozed out of her but Kish poured gin on her hand, got a match and poured a little oil on Benie's half scarf and burned it. Kish is still groggy from the pain, but heated the wound to close it up and wrapped it with the remaining scarf she was biting on a while ago. Ahhhhhhhhhhh…., Kish yelled where the others heard and was wondering what happened to the other hunters left near Hela Town. Kish was knocked unconscious because of the pain and Benie carried the girl on his back to the new camp near Twin Town. It will a couple of kilometers before they reach it and it's already sundown when Benie reached the group. Yuna and Tilly reached for Kish and laid her on a bed inside Sarasti's tent. He tried to heal Kish's hand but it's no use it's already been cut yet thanks to their wise decision, Kish's life was saved. Benie stood outside to check up on the girl. She's going to be okay Benie,

thanks for beign there for her! She really is a brave warrior!, Yuna said and smiled at the man.

It's nothing I would've done the same thing for anyone here!, Benie said humbly. Good work man! So you like Kish hehe!, Cris said bumping his shoulder into Benie'e and teased him. Aha, you're quiet, it means you do like her! But she's missing one hand, so it's okay with you?

Benie's smile turned into madness and tried to punche Cris who already ran out of his way. Every one starign at the two where laughing but were glad that Kish is safe now.

Keyoshi is walking at the forest and when she found a tree, she sat under it and tried to rest her head for a bit. Jill saw her and went on to check on the warrior hunter who she believes worried about the incident today and moreover the Hunt facing Kemolohlun and his minions at Yomi.

I didn't know warrior hunters get scared?, Jill asked while standin in front of Keyoshi appreciating the sundown.

Hmm…well, who says I'm scared! I am not! But I am for Yuna and my fellow hunters for Kemolohlun is a monster that no human has ever defeated. And for centuries we kept trying to create new weapon after weapon to kill him. But I just hope as the Chosen One I can wipe him out on the face of the earth, this time!

Huh!....If only you are a descendant of the Nephelims, I bet you can defeat that nasty devil!, Jilll added and finally sat down on one of the rocks beside Keyoshi under the tree's shade.

Nephelims, hmm, I think I've heard about them when Taiyo mentioned that we came from Abraham and before him was the Angels who made love with our female ancestors who birthed giants called Nephelim, Keyoshi blurted out. You know your history well warrior, but there's more to it than that of being giants or angels. These Nephelims are the sons and daughters of fallen angels who made love with our female ancestors who were considered unclean by the Gods, Jill continued.