What is it like in your time?, Keyoshi asked while Jill is still looking at the sunset amazed by how the sky is clearer compared to their time which is digitized. That sometimes they can make it rain, or make the ground tremble, for their scientists created machines to do them in case the world needed it in times of extreme climate shifts.
Hmm…our time is good and I can't complain about it since it's what we have dreamed, created to have now. Yet, I stil wish for that age that there will be no wars or poverty. Your people are wonderful since maybe because life is simpler and more communal compared to ours which is more selfish, independent and digital. We wake up in a community where cars fly everywhere and ouses are built above the sky like skyscrapers. We can still walk or ride below or on the ground but since climate change destroyed most of the earth's surface there's nothing left to do but or us to create a world hanging defying gravity and living like gods where clouds are within our reach. I never thought that the sky is farther than our skyscrapers, like at the ends of the universe. Anyway, there's nothing much but everything is publisized. Commercialism and advertisements are so rampant that you can see products, ideas and artists on digiboards or billboards anywhere in our time. Everything is unreal, ungodly but they are what we have created them so we got the hang of it and lived like that for years. Here I can be free and experience life as it truly is with nature, people who loves and accepts you for what or who you are, no pretentions or lies. In our time, we can do that too when we feel like it but only inside our homes, with our families, friends and colleagues bot much with other people or strangers.
Seldom we can feel the connection with them but due to slef preservation or protection we don't talk or deal with outsiders or strangers because of fear and safety reasons. In our generation faith and beliefs can be a way to make business and businesses are marketed same way as how we sell products on ebay or online shops. We are so greedy, selfish and power or influence oriented that we don't care how others perceive of us or because we want to be at the top of our game we don't care about what others say or think of us. It's good we are confident and independent but too much of these can sometimes be lonely and heartless. The system changed from bad to worst because everything now is a business, and societies, people want to earn, get more than what they could swallow or take. It's sad to see that governments think of laws or rules to help their people but gain from them in exchange of the good deed or service. It's more materialistic, altruistic. Generosity and stoicsm no longer exists but marketability and manipulation for selfish needs, not anymore for collective reasons. As if suffering or loss is no longer a virtue but a trait that has lost it's power to heroes of the old. We no longer want to work or push our limits. We are more succumbing to easy tasks and push-of-a-button ways, that even walking is a big deal now. But as a soldier I do exercises and trainings so most of us still do everything by hand and create art or music or books by hand. Yet many use computers and androids to do their jobs or machines, for them, better than having staff or people to work on a certain task. So it's definitely a lazy generation that no longer employs workers. And I don't want that for our generation, to grow and live like we are uninspired and lazy people because AI's or robots do most of the things for us, Jill explained.
Sorry to hear that, but Jill we can make things count and maybe you can advice your dad to talk to someone and make some changes to your current situation. It's a learning lesson but maybe you just need to start it and make the change yourself. To stand as the light, a beacon of hope, truth and put sense into others who are cold and uninspired or lazy. You can do it, because I felt your genuine concern for your people in your time, just like you cared for my people in my time!, Thanks Jill!, Keyoshi added and held the girl's hand to squeeze it. Jill smiled and nodded in agreement with Keyoshi's advice. 'Use the machines as what they are intended for but not above humans or values that made or shaped us as who we truly are, man/woman who has the ability to think, feel, create, serve and work using our minds, hearts, bodies and souls. AI's are good and can make jobs easy, efficient and fast, but not as experiential, heartfelt than humans make, do or share.'
Well, about feelings and thoughts, robots now are intelligent and can dream or experience things same as any living being can. So, that's what's scary and eerie. However, there are humans too who are violent and careless or cold that makes AI's make more good and safe companions than some men or women who are unfaithful and psychopaths. Huh!, Jill explained. Aha!, that then is a plus for AI's or robots in my list! Hey, we better head back to camp, we need to get ready for the Hunt Game at Yomi. I'll leave you here if you still want to ponder on our beautiful moon, hihi!, Keyoshi said tapping Jill's shoulder and smiling as she walked away.
Yes please, thanks!, Jill cried and returned to her appreciation of Mimiko's moon. It's colder than usual, hmmm…good thing I have my jacket on. Huh!, this isn't mine, ah, Keyoshi's? She's not that bad after all. Yuna is very lucky to have a brave and wonderful girl like Shi!, Jill thought.
Yomi and its nearby villages heared a sound from the skies warning them about a terror that's going to happen. Volcanoes called Mt. Kanla, Mt. Maji and Mt. Tal are about erupt. Yomi Island isn't prepared for Kemolohlun's attack moreover the unexpected erruptions of the world's most powerful volcanoes.