Shi, this is Abaddon, my dad! Remember?, Yuna introducing her father for the first time. I looked at him, and he was the dark angel in my….ahh….whatever. Ah yes sir, Hi, it's nice to meet you again, ah, I mean yeah!, I added and smiled at the sweet and brave man I remember in my dream or my adventures from a life I don't know if just a dream or an alter reality.
That's nice, sure! See you again soon, Keyoshi!, Abaddon replied and went out of the room. I smiled and nodded still overwhelmed and shocked in disbelief this is all happening so fast. Anyway, as long as my loves alright and alive, I'm happy and content. I stood from the bed and walked to my living room, the place if so exquisite and modern, maybe more digital, or what th f*ck did I say? I saw the picture frames on the wall, Sarasti, Sindid, Emu, Jill and her team with Cris who is as funny as heck. What fascinated me was, Jill is in 5000 era so what happened that they are with my warrior hunters caught on film. The Hunt Game cast?, aha, a movie so my story is a movie. Now that's awesome and intriguing! How did it happen? Kemo? Aha, he is the director and the lords are the producers. King Anma and Aatma with the Queens of the Underworld are the benefactors and so on, so forth. This is crazy! I'm going crazy, hahaha!
Then my phone rang again. When I didn't answer the hologram appeared in front of my face and saw, mother?, then Kera, Taiyo, and Lolo. Haaaaa...what the f*ck! I am really alive, here, at this moment and my family is too, with me in this amazing world….wow!!!! But I don't know what happened to Kemolohlun…I hope he is where he wants to be and inspite of our qualms I pray that he may find peace and happiness too!
In an unknown universe, Kemolohlun and Lyza are happy with their new born baby who they named Sarkar. Kemolohlun was afraid to lose Lyza and their child that he created his onw world just to suppress the love of his life's body from decaying or aging even dying. My parents loved each other eternally and even if they are both happy in the afterlife I still dream of them with me and caring, loving and supporting me all through out my days on earth. I was taken cared of a family who adopted me as their own daughter. I met Baba and we grew close and he is my best friend until today. But I needed to study abroad, from India to the Philippines, I travelled back to my roots and there I lived a full and happy life with my pet black cat Faith. I once dreamed of Baba one time, playing and giving me a clover with four leaves. Dijaylaksmi, here, my gift for you!, I smiled from the thought that this friend of mine is nice and sweet just like what his name is all about, sugar or sweetness. Baba, thank you, this is nice!, and we played in the fields. This is where my life began, I thought I was just subconsciously dreaming about him and our time together but it wasn't just a dream but real….as if we are on a time lapse where I saw myself born in the past, present and future. Where I can travel in thought like time and space are just near and not light years away. So who am I, then? Hmmm…
(Song: Best Epic Songs the feel like a warrior AM28_04_Decimus)
The spirits like Miyaki was never been seen, what might have happened to them, I wonder!
I am walking and appreciating the magnificent view of this world, Mimiko have never been this beautiful, like gleaming and overflowing with magic and wonder.
Hi, what are you doing? I'm Miyaki!, a young teen ager said and smiled at me like she knew me. Huh, yes, hi, Miyaki? Huh!!! So she's alive?
Huh, yes, hi, Miyaki? Huh!!! So she's alive?.....
A/N: Some names or people, places, events and issues are factual, some are fictional.