
But soon, Su Mu realized something was wrong with himself.

Damn, why am I acting like this? Always trying to please Lin Feier—this is just being a simp!

Why should I satisfy her every whim? I'm not even trying to pursue her; I'm just here for the money .

Recalling the "player's rules," Su Mu quickly adjusted his mindset. With a calm expression, he responded with a smile, "Sure, I can play the piano."

"Wow, really? I knew it! Music is interconnected. Su Mu, your singing is so good, you must be able to play the piano too. Can you play a piece for me?" Lin Feier asked excitedly, her eyes lighting up.

"Well, it's not impossible, but Wang Hao played for his girlfriend. This is a couple's restaurant. If I play for you, Lin Feier , what would be my role? Besides, isn't it you who invited me to dinner today? Shouldn't you be the one playing a piece for me?" 

Su Mu's expression showed a bit of reluctance, directly pointing out that they were just ordinary friends, and he had no obligation to play the piano for her. His last statement turned the tables on her.

Sure enough, Lin Feier's eyes dimmed a little upon hearing Su Mu's words.

She realized she had been too hasty. They had only known each other for two days; how could she ask him to do so much? 

Moreover, she had invited Su Mu to dinner to thank him for his help earlier. Now the dinner seemed to be going unpleasantly, and she should be compensating him instead.

After figuring this out, Lin Feier stopped mentioning the piano, though she still felt a bit unhappy.

Su Mu's words had made her uncomfortable. She had shown so much enthusiasm and even brought him to a couple's restaurant—wasn't that obvious enough?

Yet Su Mu still treated her as just an ordinary friend. Is he too dense, or am I not charming enough?

Seeing that Lin Feier no longer brought up the piano, Su Mu felt relieved. This hurdle was finally over.

As for whether Lin Feier was happy, he didn't really care.

Women shouldn't be pampered—I'm not your simp, so why should I care about your feelings?

According to the player's rules, you shouldn't be too enthusiastic with any woman. If she gets upset and you start begging and pleasing her, it's really demeaning. 

Instead, occasionally ignoring her can make her feel unsettled, showing that you're different from other men and sparking her competitive spirit.

The calmer you are towards her, the more she will want to conquer you, trying various ways to get your attention. This way, unknowingly, her focus shifts onto you.

When you can influence a girl's emotions and mood, you've already succeeded halfway.

Previously, Su Mu's mindset hadn't adjusted, and coupled with Lin Feier's status as the school beauty with high popularity, he unconsciously tried to please her. Now, after realizing this, Su Mu finally changed his attitude. 

So what if she's the school beauty? So what if she's a popular girl ? There are plenty of beautiful women in the world; she's not irreplaceable. With the system's help, what kind of woman can't I find?

At this moment, Su Mu's mindset shifted. He became calm and confident, no longer treating these so-called "goddesses" as rare treasures.

At the dinner table, Su Mu and Lin Feier stopped talking. Wang Hao's piano performance was nearing its end, and as he finished the piece, a gentle applause arose in the restaurant. 

Since they were in a Western restaurant, the applause was restrained, but it was enough to make Wang Hao feel pleased with himself. He stood up, ready to say something to wrap up his performance perfectly.

Just then, a girl who had been sitting alone in the corner stood up and walked toward Wang Hao. 

She was beautiful, with delicate features, long narrow eyes, and fiery red lips. Her gaze had a slightly intoxicated allure, making her appear both pure and seductive.

She wore a light blue off-shoulder dress, revealing her delicate collarbone, and her slightly curled long hair fell over one shoulder. She carried a black Gucci handbag and, most notably, had an unlit cigarette in her mouth.

The sight of a smoking woman was rare and immediately drew attention.

Under everyone's gaze, her crystal high heels clicked on the floor as she approached Wang Hao.

" Mr.Wang, nice piano playing. And your girlfriend is quite nice too," the girl said calmly, her eyes scanning Chen Qianqian as she nodded slightly.

Wang Hao's face turned pale in an instant. He stammered as he looked at the girl, "Feiyi, what are you doing here?"

"Heh, you must be joking, Mr. Wang. This Rose Restaurant belongs to me. Why wouldn't I be here? Don't worry, I'm not here to catch you cheating. I'll tell my father about the annulment of our engagement. I won't disturb you any longer. Enjoy your meal." Lin Feiyi smiled faintly, waved her hand, and started to walk out of the restaurant.

Boom! The words "annulment of engagement" exploded in Wang Hao's mind like a thunderclap. He panicked immediately and hurriedly grabbed Lin Feiyi

"No, Feiyi, let me explain. It's not what you think. There's nothing between me and her. No, wait, she's the one who seduced me. It's all her fault."

Wang Hao blurted out incoherent explanations, his mind in utter chaos. 

The Wang family was in the import-export business. In recent years, due to the economic environment, the company had been struggling and was on the brink of bankruptcy.

Not long ago, his father managed to arrange a marriage alliance with the Lin Family Pharmaceutical Group and received their investment, stabilizing the business.

The girl in front of him, Lin Feiyi, was the designated fiancée from this marriage alliance, the eldest daughter of Jiangcheng's Lin Family Pharmaceutical Group, and Wang Hao's fiancée. 

Lin Feiyi was their lifeline. Only by marrying her could the Wang family receive the Lin family's support.

Without her, not only would the Wang family face bankruptcy, but they would also have to pay hefty compensation and bear enormous debts, potentially leading to imprisonment.

At that point, Wang Hao would lose everything—his wealthy second-generation status, his source of money, his villa, sports cars, luxury homes, and beautiful women would all vanish. He would be left with nothing.

The thought of such consequences made Wang Hao tremble with fear. He never expected to encounter Lin Feiyi here. He had deliberately avoided high-end places and chosen this low-end restaurant, yet he still ran into her.

"Let go, Wang Hao!" Lin Feiyi's face turned cold as she looked at Wang Hao gripping her wrist.

Lin Feiyi had long heard about Wang Hao's exploits and was extremely disgusted with this playboy.

Naturally, she didn't want this engagement, but it was her father's decision, which she couldn't oppose. Moreover, Wang Hao was good at putting on an act. In front of the elders, he was always polite and elegant, making her parents very satisfied with him.

Therefore, she had never found a reason to refuse this engagement.

Now, she finally had the opportunity. Wang Hao had been caught red-handed with another woman. This reason should be sufficient, right?

"No, I won't let go. Feiyi, I was wrong. I truly know I was wrong. Listen to me—it's all her. She seduced me. This bitch, she was after my money and wanted to marry into a wealthy family. She tried every possible way to seduce me, and I just lost my mind for a moment. I won't do it again. I'll sever ties with her right now. Please forgive me this once," Wang Hao said, pointing at Chen Qianqian and begging Lin Feiyi for forgiveness.

"What are you talking about, Wang Hao?" Chen Qianqian looked at Wang Hao in disbelief, completely stunned.

She couldn't understand the situation at all. Just a moment ago, Wang Hao was playing the piano for her with a gentle demeanor, and now he was calling her a bitch. 

And what were they talking about—an engagement? Wang Hao already had an engagement? But he had clearly said he was single.

"Shut up! It's all your fault, you bitch. You've ruined me," Wang Hao shouted in fury, slapping Chen Qianqian across the face.