Chapter 114: The Sea Snake and Daemon

The banquet continued.

Rhaegar took his seat and greeted one noble after another, his smile growing more strained by the minute. Just as his face was starting to hurt from all the smiling, the welcoming drums sounded.

"Lord Corlys of House Velaryon, Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark, his wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, and their children and heirs..."

The herald's voice echoed through the hall, and the doors swung open.

A crowd entered the hall, drawing the attention of everyone present. The noisy banquet hall fell silent as many gazes turned towards the newcomers.

"The Sea Snake..." Rhaegar murmured softly, equally curious about the man his father had spoken so much about.

Seated facing the door, he had a clear view of the group. Leading them was a middle-aged man with silver hair and dark skin, his eyes deep and his demeanor calm.

Beside him was a striking woman with black hair streaked with silver, her face proud and regal. The two walked hand in hand.

Following behind were a pair of silver-haired young men and women, both dark-skinned and strikingly beautiful.

"Does Valyria have any black-skinned descendants?" Rhaegar thought to himself, intrigued.

The group reached the center of the banquet hall, and all eyes were on them.

Corlys stepped forward and bowed slightly to Viserys, saying, "Your Grace, we're sorry we couldn't make it to the assembly on time. We had to travel a long way."

"Hehe, I didn't see you during the day. I thought the Velaryon House wouldn't come," Viserys responded with a smile, nodding at Rhaenys. "Cousin."

"Cousin," Rhaenys replied with a faint smile.

Viserys then turned to Rhaegar and introduced him, "Come, Lord Corlys, meet the kingdom's new heir and swear your allegiance."

He was eager to see the Sea Snake's reaction.

Corlys' gaze fell on the young prince. He frowned slightly, then said, "Your Grace, you have made the right choice."

He spoke earnestly. A male heir indeed brought more security than a princess.

Corlys knelt on one knee and swore his allegiance plainly, showing no reluctance.

Rhaegar rose from his seat and approached Corlys, extending a hand and smiling, "Rise, Lord Corlys, I accept your allegiance."

Corlys took his hand, rising to his full height, and whispered, "Prince, I hope you will be a wise ruler."

"I will, my lord," Rhaegar replied confidently.

Turning to Rhaenys, he said, "Aunt, this is the first time we meet, and I welcome you and my cousins. Please, take your seats."

"It may be our first meeting, but I have long been familiar with you," Rhaenys replied, touching her nephew's head, disregarding the formalities of a ruler and subject.

Laenor and Laena stepped forward, greeting warmly, "Rhaegar, congratulations on becoming the heir."

As Rhaegar exchanged pleasantries with the Velaryon children, Rhaenys approached the main table.

She raised a glass of wine, first toasting Viserys. "Cousin," she said with a faint smile, to which Viserys responded in kind.

Then, she turned to Rhaenyra, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "I told you that you would be replaced. You are indeed useless."

Her words were filled with bitterness. She had once been a candidate for the throne but had been passed over for Viserys. Seeing Rhaenyra replaced by Rhaegar felt like history repeating itself, but with a male heir instead.

Rhaenyra's expression cooled at the comment. She replied blandly, "Aunt, Rhaegar is my brother, and I willingly gave up my seat for him."

"Is this how you lie to yourself?" Rhaenys asked, her eyes filled with pity.

Rhaenyra clenched her fists and replied calmly, "Isn't that how you've managed all these years, knowing the heart of the matter isn't with us?"

Rhaenys sighed, acknowledging the truth in Rhaenyra's words. "You're right. The system itself is flawed," she admitted. Then, changing the subject, she asked, "You are not young. Do you need to find a husband to depend on?"

"No need. Rhaegar will not treat me harshly," Rhaenyra replied firmly.

Rhaenys seemed a bit down, but she agreed, "That's fine. You can follow the family tradition."

Despite her harsh words, Rhaenys felt a kinship with her niece, both having suffered under the same system. She admired Rhaenyra's strength, even if she didn't show it openly. Rhaegar found himself enjoying a good conversation with Laenor, who seemed to take a liking to him.

At that moment, a new figure entered through the still-open doors. The man had short silver hair, wore black leather armor, and bore a cynical smile.

The banquet continued with its usual pomp and circumstance until a sudden commotion interrupted the revelry.


Viserys' face twisted with anger as he slammed the table, shouting, "Daemon, you bastard, how dare you show up in front of me!?"

Rhaegar was startled by his father's outburst and turned to see who had entered. His expression hardened when he recognized the visitor. Daemon Targaryen, the very man who was on the wanted list.

Daemon was standing at the door, eating a piece of bread with salt. As he strolled in, the room fell silent.

Swish, swish...

Two guards unsheathed their swords and positioned them at Daemon's neck, their expressions grim.

Daemon swallowed the last bite of bread, raised his hands in a mock gesture of surrender, and smiled faintly. "Brother, I am here enjoying the rights of a guest."

"You are a criminal and deserve no such rights," Viserys retorted angrily. "Arrest him and throw him in the dungeon."

The sword blades pressed against Daemon's skin, and he winced slightly. Still, he managed to say, "For tonight, at least, I'm here as a guest."

With that, he unsheathed the Dark Sister, his Valyrian steel sword, and offered it with both hands.

Viserys sneered at the gesture. "You fool. You have no honor in my eyes."

The hall was filled with tension, and many of the guests had stopped eating, their eyes fixed on the unfolding drama. Viserys' fury was palpable. This was the man who had almost killed his son.

"Your Grace, Daemon has eaten your bread and wine. It's against the gods' laws to harm a guest under your roof," Corlys Velaryon interjected.

Viserys shot Corlys a look that said it all. "Lord Corlys, did he come here with your family?"

Daemon's timing was suspicious, coming so close on the heels of the Velaryons. Viserys was already suspicious of Daemon and Corlys' relationship.

Corlys met the king's gaze evenly. "I don't know what crime Prince Daemon has committed, but he's your blood. A kinslayer is cursed by the gods."

"The kinslayer is him!" Viserys shouted, his agitation mounting.

Daemon spoke up, "Brother, all our kin are alive and well. I have killed no one."

"Shut your mouth, or I'll rip out your tongue," Viserys snapped, his eyes blazing.

Daemon fell silent, lowering his head.

The tension was palpable, and the festive atmosphere had turned icy. Guests looked around uncomfortably, their earlier smiles now frozen.

Seeing the need to defuse the situation, Lyonel Strong rose and approached the king, speaking in a low voice, "Your Grace, Daemon has walked into your grasp. There will be ample time to execute him later."

"Are you suggesting I let this murderer attend the banquet?" Viserys replied, his tone indicating disgust.

"Today is the heir changing ceremony, and nobles from all over the continent are gathered here. It is not fitting to spill blood on such an occasion," Lyonel advised, considering the consequences of a public execution.

(Word count: 1,245