Chapter 323: The Lost Dragon Eggs

"As you wish, Prince," the elderly Dragonkeeper replied, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Nearby, Aemond absorbed the information and asked, "There really is a wild dragon on Dragonstone Island?"

"Thinking about taming it?" Rhaegar teased, calming down.

Aemond quickly shook his head. "Sheepstealer... it's more powerful than Sunfyre."

Rhaegar chuckled. "Let's go, silly boy."

The Four Storms were still waiting for Aemond back at the Stone Drum Tower with high expectations.

On their way back, Aemond couldn't contain his curiosity. "Why hunt the wild dragon? Can't it just stay on Dragonstone Island?"

Rhaegar glanced at him. "How would you feel about living in Storm's End with a Baratheon daughter?"

"No! I don't want to," Aemond replied instantly.

"Exactly," Rhaegar said with a playful smile.

Aemond paused, realizing the implication. He wouldn't want to stay in Storm's End, and the wild dragon likely wouldn't want to remain on Dragonstone Island.

Seeing Aemond's thoughtful expression, Rhaegar decided to teach him a lesson. "Aemond, why do you think our family rules Westeros?" he asked softly.

"Because we have dragons," Aemond answered confidently.

"Exactly, the dragons," Rhaegar said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Isn't it amazing that the Conqueror took Westeros with just three dragons?"

"Of course," Aemond replied without hesitation.

Aegon the Conqueror, along with his sisters and queens, Visenya and Rhaenys, had three dragons and established a unified dynasty in just a few years. Aemond, well-versed in their history, felt a surge of restlessness in his young heart.

To him, if three conquerors with three dragons could subdue the continent, their family, with so many dragons, might even rule beyond the Narrow Sea.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Rhaegar said, giving Aemond a light slap on the back of the head. "War means sacrifice. It's not something to be taken lightly."

Rhaegar could guess what was running through Aemond's mind. The Targaryens were indeed powerful, with nine dragonriders in the family. But when it came to war, only a few could truly be counted on to fight.

Rhaegar and his Cannibal were at the forefront, followed by Aegon with Sunfyre, and their father with Vermithor. Then there were Daemon with Caraxes, and Rhaenys with Meleys. The rest were either too young or carried Velaryon names.

Holding his head where he was hit, Aemond asked, "What are you trying to say?"

"Targaryens are powerful not just because we have dragons, but because others don't," Rhaegar explained.

"But Valyria is gone. The only Dragonlord family left is Targaryen," Aemond retorted.

"Do you really think so?" Rhaegar asked, watching Aemond's reaction.

Aemond hesitated. "What's the problem?"

Rhaegar sighed, realizing the gaps in his brother's understanding. "Aemond, how many dragons are there on Dragonstone Island?"

Queen Alyssane had abolished the Lord's right to the first night, and over the centuries, many of the island's bastards had silver hair and purple eyes, marking them as Dragonseeds. These bastards far outnumbered the proper Targaryens, yet they weren't allowed to tame dragons without permission.

"The Dragonseeds can't tame dragons without permission, and Dragonmont is patrolled by Dragonkeepers," Aemond said.

"What if it's not a Targaryen dragon?" Rhaegar asked. "Valyria is gone, but its descendants are scattered across Essos. Do you know how many dragons the other fallen Dragonlord families might have?"

It wasn't that these descendants lacked the ability to tame dragons—they just didn't have the opportunity.

Aemond's eyes widened. "So, you're hunting wild dragons to prevent them from being tamed by exiled dragon families."

"Not just wild dragons," Rhaegar said seriously. "Any dragon, dragon egg, or even a fossilized dragon egg that falls into someone else's hands, I will ride Cannibal to retrieve."

"Have we lost any dragon eggs?" Aemond asked, recalling an old story.

Rhaegar nodded. "During the time of great-grandfather Jaehaerys, three Dreamfyre's dragon eggs were lost."

Back then, Dreamfyre's rider was Rhaena Targaryen. Her close friend Elissa had stolen Dreamfyre's dragon eggs, trading them for a ship and gold to start a life of seafaring adventure.

When Rhaena found out, she executed many Dragonkeepers and informed her brother Jaehaerys. He was furious and spent a fortune trying to recover the eggs, but they were never found.

Jaehaerys had warned that if any of the dragon eggs hatched, they would have to wage war against whoever possessed them.

"This matter should be pursued to the end," Aemond declared with conviction.

"Great-grandfather gave up on this pursuit in his later years, nearly seventy years ago now," Rhaegar replied softly.

Aemond, worried, said, "It usually takes a hundred years for a dragon egg to completely lose the possibility of hatching."

"Yes, but father seems to have long forgotten about that," Rhaegar responded, then added with a smile, "Remember my hobby of collecting and offering bounties for ancient relics?"

Aemond nodded, his disbelief evident.

Rhaegar blinked and affirmed, "I'm not only collecting ancient relics, I'm also offering bounties for any information about dragons."

"Really?" Aemond's eyes widened in astonishment, not realizing how serious his brother Rhaegar was about this.

Rhaegar patted Aemond's head and laughed. "Some time ago, I dispatched an intelligence organization in Volantis to receive news from Essos at any time."

Syrio's role was more than just monitoring Volantis; he was Rhaegar's eyes and ears on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

Beyond the hidden danger of the three dragon eggs, the relics of the Dragonlord families had given Rhaegar too much. He was determined to gather as much knowledge about the Dragonlord families as possible to enrich the Targaryen heritage.

Stunned and shocked, Aemond gazed at his elder brother, an inexplicable admiration shining in his eyes. Far away from the Red Keep's grudge, he saw his brother as powerful and full of wisdom, someone he could learn much from.

Rhaegar just smiled. Their father might only know how to organize banquets and martial arts competitions, leaving the ruling of the realm to the Small Council, but Rhaegar knew he had to make plans of his own.


The following day:



Two distinct dragon roars echoed over Dragonstone Island. Cannibal, black as charcoal, surged into the clouds, emitting a terrifying scream.

On the black iron saddle, Maris of the Four Storms sat at the center, with her sisters Ellyn and Floris huddled in her arms. All three were tightly fastened with chains for safety. In front of them, a black-robed Rhaegar sat straddling the ridge with his eyes closed, arms spread wide.

Having cleared out the nest of Sheepstealer, the brothers departed to return to King's Landing.

Trailing far behind Cannibal, the brown clay-colored Sheepstealer soared at a cautious distance. On its back, Aemond clung tightly to its chunky back scales, his mouth agape. Behind him, Cassandra held on for dear life, her arms wrapped around his waist and her head buried in a shriek of alarm.

Sheepstealer, a freshly tamed wild dragon, hadn't yet been fitted with a saddle. Aemond had repeatedly assured Cassandra it could be ridden directly, convincing her to join him in a daring dragon-riding escapade. Now, she regretted it, fearing she might wet her skirt in terror.

Setting out in the morning, the two dragons crossed Blackwater Bay by noon and soared over King's Landing.


Cannibal circled the city, habitually roaring with its head held high, basking in the gaze of all below. Rhaegar smiled, announcing their return.


Sheepstealer followed, its thieving eyes surveying the city with curiosity. It soared around the tall buildings, its wings stirring the air and causing the bronze bells of the towering church bell tower to chime.

"Sheepstealer, back to the Dragonpit!" Aemond commanded urgently, his face pale. Along the way, Sheepstealer had deliberately toyed with him, flying erratically and nearly throwing him off several times. He held on with all his might while Cassandra screamed in terror behind him.

The two dragons circled twice before slowly flying towards Rhaenys's Hill, landing at the grotto entrance at the back of the Dragonpit.

The front of the Dragonpit was the Great Hall; the back door led to the crypt hollowed out of the mountain.

Rhaegar helped the shivering Maris and her sisters off Cannibal's back, shaking his head. He had suggested they return to King's Landing by boat, but they insisted on experiencing the thrill of dragon riding. Cannibal, extremely fast, made the mid-air wind a challenge to endure. They fared better than expected.

Sheepstealer, another adult dragon, was not much slower and could keep pace with Cannibal, who was holding back.

Aemond slowly climbed down from Sheepstealer, carrying a frozen Cassandra on his back. The Dragonkeeper arrived at the sound, speaking High Valyrian to guide the dragons into the lair. Cannibal and Sheepstealer complied, barely acknowledging the Dragonkeeper.

Rhaegar watched with amusement, gaining a more objective understanding of wild dragons.

A lacquered white wheeled carriage approached the Dragonpit. "Vermithor, go forward..."

As the two dragons entered the pit, Dragonkeepers in rough cloth and linen tapped their bamboo staffs, leading a massive bronze beast forward. The carriage door opened, and out stepped Viserys, dressed in pitch-black splendor and wearing a crown.

(Word count: 1,513)