

Aromantic and Asexual Worldwatcher

This is the last

but not the end…


Greetings from the Universe Line,

 One and all and worlds at large, there will be slight changes in our segments today. We admit that this may be a bit different from our regular services. However, please do not turn away from the line.

There are only three things you have to know.

First, we are 'aromantic' and 'asexual' beings. This means that, in human terms, we do not experience romantic attraction as well as sexual attraction. We do not fall in love. We do not feel physical attraction to others 

It has absolutely nothing to do with what we do in this line. However, we would just like to tell you. We're quite proud of it, really.

Keep in mind, however, the two cannot be used interchangeably and are not inextricably linked. Aromantic people do not experience or rarely experience romantic attraction. On the other hand, asexual people do not experience or rarely experience romantic attraction. You can also be aromantic without being asexual; in the same way, you can be asexual without being aromantic.

Us being aroace means we are not a couple. We are, however, queerplatonic partners. We consider each other our lifelong companions who share each other's struggles. Its really nice. It's committed but not romantic in nature.

On a side note, if you ask us how romantic or sexual attraction are different and what they mean, we definitely cannot answer you because we don't know either. All we can say is that romantic attraction may be involved with dating, holding hands, and being emotionally committed. However, sexual attraction may be just wanting to be physically intimate with another person. Take note, ESPECIALLY with another person.


Second, we are worldwatchers. This means that we watch other worlds, including yours. There are many other worlds besides yours, universes even, and we have knowledge of it. 

We, however, do not just watch. We guard the various universes so that they are able to be safe. If you can hear this, please send us your response.

Third, we want to help you. Your world, every world rather, needs protection and assistance in order to improve the quality of everyone's lives. 

Again, if you can hear this, please send us your response. 

There are still so many things we can tell you that we are not allowed to say. However, if you establish communication with us, we can also tell you all the other things that need to be said. We will also provide assistance whenever we can. 

We are always here.

We will wait.

Even if this line occasionally receives signals, we will wait.

We will wait.

That's all. We're going back…

"Universe Line 02385, ready for communication."

"One and all, worlds at large, this is Universe Line 02385. I hope that you are all doing well no matter the case…"

"There are only three things you have to know."
