Chapter 27

Sebastian gulped as he had to admit his failure. Despite his knowledge of their previous life, he couldn't recall ever meeting with Winter's mother. 

"Well, that's normal because you've never met her before," Winter said calmly, though her tone carried disdain. "Camilla didn't allow me to invite my relatives, including my mother, to our wedding. I couldn't even invite friends. So the guests who attended our wedding were all yours and your mother's, not mine."

"That's—" Sebastian was speechless. He hadn't known about this because he didn't care who attended the wedding. Initially, he had married Winter not out of love, but necessity.

So, he saw their worthless wedding as just another obligation to officially make Winter his wife and take over her assets.

He had assumed Winter and Camilla would split the guests 50:50. He thought the guests he couldn't recognize at the wedding were from the bride's side of the family.