Chapter 136

Winter and Sebastian entered the courtroom together. There weren't many audience members for this trial, but there were dozens of reporters. It seemed that Sebastian deliberately used his media connection to make sure that it was well published, so everybody would know about his mother's wrongdoing. 

The judge reviewed the case and kept on shifting his gaze between the document in his hand and Camilla who sat on a small chair directly facing the judge. 

"This is a long list of bribery, Mrs. Camilla Saenz. You have been colluding with Officer John Carter from the New York Police Department for seven years, and the list of bribes is far too long for me to review one by one," the judge commented. "I am sure you are well aware of every single transaction because the amount of money for bribery and gratification is no small amount."

"Yes, I remember every detail, Your Honor," Camilla responded. She showed no intention to argue, which was strange for Winter.