Chapter One: Advaya

The sun was casting rays of scattered light through the thick forest. The mist was sparse, creating a dreamy atmosphere. The trees were massive, their trunks at least 2 meters in diameter and their tops disappeared into the clouds above.

 Amrit stirred from his slumber as a gentle breeze blew through the leaves. His eyes opened to see grass on the side of a dirt road, and he could smell the earthiness of the surroundings. As he tried to move, a sharp pain shot through his body, causing him to wince.

As Amrit blinked his eyes, trying to focus on his surroundings, the memories of the night before came rushing back to him. He remembered the sound of screeching tires and the image of his friends screaming echoed in his mind, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.

Amrit grimaced in agony as he pushed himself off the ground, only to realize that his leg was injured. Blood covered not just his leg, but his entire body. He took deep breaths as he surveyed the quiet forest around him, feeling an overwhelming sense of isolation. Shaky with fear, he reached for his phone in his pocket, but found none. The fabric of his clothing felt different, looser and more free.

Feeling a surge of panic rising within him, Amrit took a deep breath and tried to calm his racing heart. He knew he had to find help, but the dense trees seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction.

His head throbbed as he tried to sit up, memories from the night before slowly trickling back into his mind. The sound of laughter and clinking glasses, the taste of bitter ale on his tongue, and the sight of a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows. Amrit winced as he felt a sharp pain shoot up his arm, glancing down to see a deep gash marring his skin. Panic began to rise within him as he struggled to piece together how he had ended up alone on this desolate road in the heart of the forest.

Flashes of the attack raced through his mind, the memory of masked figures surrounding him as their muffled voices were drowned out by his pounding heart. What had they wanted from him? Why had they left him to die in this desolate place?

Amrit pushed these questions to the back of his mind, forcing himself to concentrate on the present. As he struggled to stand, his injured leg buckled beneath him, sending sharp pains shooting up his spine. Gritting his teeth, he used a nearby tree for support and began to hobble forward, every step a battle against the intense pain and dizziness threatening to overwhelm him.

The forest seemed to grow darker with each passing moment, shadows closing in around him like grasping fingers. With a sinking feeling in his gut, Amrit realized that nightfall was quickly approaching. He needed help soon or else risk being lost in the woods with no one to hear his cries.

Summoning all of his strength, Amrit pushed forward, struggling to remember anything before the accident - his memories hazy and disjointed. He vaguely recalled walking along the road, the screech of tires against pavement, and then everything went black.

In that moment, he became aware of two distinct memories. But every attempt to recall them resulted in a sharp pain shooting through his head.


Amrit let out a groan as he struggled to stand, using a nearby tree for support. Each step was agony as the pain in his leg flared up, but he gritted his teeth and pushed forward. As he trudged through the dense underbrush, the shadows of the forest seemed to taunt him, making him grow unease.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Amrit stumbled upon a small clearing. In its center stood an ancient stone well, covered in moss and surrounded by vibrant wildflowers. A strange sense of déjà vu washed over him as he approached the well, feeling inexplicably drawn to its depths. It seemed to perfectly blend into surroundings.

Without hesitation, Amrit peered into the well's darkness, expecting to see nothing but emptiness below.To his surprise, a faint glow emanated from the depths of the well, casting an eerie light over the surrounding area. Amrit's heart raced as he tentatively reached out his trembling hand, fingers brushing against the cool stone of the well's edge. Out of nowhere, a voice echoed from the shadows below, sending shivers down his spine.

The voice sighed, barely audible. "Has the time finally arrived?"

Frozen in fear, Amrit strained to see into the darkness, desperate to catch a glimpse of the mysterious figure behind the voice. Suddenly, a silhouette began to emerge from the shadows, slowly rising up from the depths of the well.

It was a man, but unlike any Amrit had encountered before. His body was covered in scars and his hair was swinging wildly, streaks of silver brushing against red. As he grew closer, Amrit couldn't help but feel a sense of fear as his glowing red eyes seemed to hold within them images of chaos and devastation.

"Who are you?" Amrit managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.

 The man continued to approach at a slow and steady pace, never taking his eyes off of Amrit's trembling form. The air felt charged with electricity, sending shivers down Amrit's spine. In a voice that sounded like gravel being crushed underfoot, the man finally spoke.

"I am known by many names," he rumbled, each word pressing down heavily on Amrit. "But you may call me Advaya."

Amrit's heart raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. Before he could gather his thoughts, Advaya raised a hand and pointed directly at him.

"The time has come this remnant's energy has been drained. You will have to depend on yourself" Advaya said as his figure seemed to flicker out of existence.

"Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These last words echoed through the well as everything faded into darkness.

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