Chapter Three: The World of Isyethnas

His name was still Amrit Rijal, whether in his past life or present. At slightly over 15 years old, he was a boy with dark hair, a chiseled face, black eyes, and stood at an impressive height of 6'1. In this world, he was considered above average in terms of aesthetics. If he were on Earth, he would be considered one of the most handsome men. The presence of spiritual energy or Qi in this world elevated the average features of its inhabitants. This middle world was only one among thousands, with explored land that was more than a thousand times larger than Earth's territory.

The cultivation realms in this world were

 Qi Cultivation Body Cultivation Soul Cultivation

1.Qi sensing 1.Body Refining 1.White Soul

2.Foundation building 2.Body Cleansing 2. Violet Soul

3.Golden Core Formation 3.Viscera Refining 3.Indigo Soul

4.Nascent Soul 4.Metamorphing 4.Blue Soul

5.Soul Formation 5.Armament 5.Green Soul

6.Body Integration 6.Sublimation 6.Yellow Soul

7. Void Refinement 7.Stepping into the Void 7.Orange Soul

8.Tribulation Transcendence 8.Tribulation Body 8.Red Soul

9.Mahayana 9.Divine Body 9.Rainbow Soul (nine-colored)

The mainstream was Qi cultivation and other two were treated as auxillary.

The kingdom he was in was Emerald Kingdom. Surrounded with greenery everywhere and landlocked. This small kingdom was rich in agriculture and herbs. His city, Lunaris was small tier city with three ruling clans – Rijal, Visigoth and Ming.

The three ruling clans of Lunaris had a long history intertwined with power struggles and alliances that shifted like sand in the wind. The Rijal clan, to which Amrit belonged, was known for their mastery of Qi cultivation and their fierce loyalty to tradition. The Visigoth clan excelled in body cultivation, their warriors possessing strength and resilience beyond compare. And the Ming clan, mysterious and enigmatic, delved deep into soul cultivation, their powers shrouded in secrecy.

Amrit pulled his cloak to cover his face and tried to disguise himself. As Amrit walked through the lush forests of the Emerald Kingdom, the vibrant colors of the flora around him seemed to pulse with life. The air was thick with the sweet scent of exotic flowers, and strange creatures flitted between the trees, their iridescent wings casting shimmering reflections on the ground. 

He marveled at the beauty of this new world, his senses heightened by the spiritual energy that permeated every aspect of it. As he continued his journey, he couldn't help but feel a sense of both wonder and trepidation at what lay ahead.

After traversing for half a day the city of Lunaris loomed in the distance, its towering walls gleaming in the sunlight. As he approached the city gates, Amrit could hear the bustling sounds of a thriving community, vendors hawking their wares, children laughing and playing in the streets. He passed through the gates into the heart of Lunaris, taking in the sights and sounds of this bustling city. The streets were lined with colorful banners.

The banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, each one depicting a different symbol - a golden sun with two hammers in middle for Visigoth clan, a crescent moon and small tree growing from end for RIjal Clan and silver star with abstract characters in four direction for Ming. Amrit felt a sense of wonder as he made his way through the crowded streets, the scent of spices and exotic foods wafting through the air. The architecture was unlike anything he had ever seen before, with buildings adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering mosaics that sparkled in the sunlight. The familiar and unfamiliar scene brought strange sensation to Amrit.

As he wandered deeper into the city, he noticed a commotion up ahead. A crowd had gathered around a small square where a group of performers were putting on a colorful display. Jugglers tossed flaming torches high into the air, acrobats somersaulted and twisted in impossible ways, and musicians played lively tunes on their instruments. Mesmerized by the spectacle, Amrit found himself drawn closer to the performers, his eyes wide with awe. He had never seen anything like this.

After watching for few minutes, Amrit made his way towards his clan. Weaving his way through the bustling streets, he finally reached the familiar quarter where his clan, the Rijals, resided. The familiar sights and sounds enveloped Amrit as he made his way through the narrow streets lined with traditional houses adorned with intricate carvings and colorful tapestries. He felt a sense of relief wash over him as he approached his family's home, a modest yet welcoming abode that stood out among the other dwellings.

He stood before the clan gate. There were two middle aged guards at the peak of Qi sensing realm. One was tall and robust named Raj and other one was Prem, skinny guy with long nose. When the guards were about to speak he pulled off his cloak. The guards' eyes widened in recognition, and they immediately bowed their heads in respect, parting to allow Amrit entry. "Young master, where have you been? Clan head was worried and send search team", Raj spoke." He has ordered us to escort to clan hall immediately upon your return."

Amrit strode through the grand gates, escorted by Prem and Raj. his eyes scanning the bustling courtyard of the clan. The air was filled with the clang of swords from the training grounds, the aroma of food being cooked in open fires, and the laughter of children playing nearby. As he walked, heads turned to catch a glimpse of him, whispers spreading like wildfire through the crowd.

He made his way towards the central hall, where the elders were gathered for their daily meeting. As he entered, the murmurs ceased, and all eyes fell upon him. The leader of the clan, an middle aged man with a small beard, upright posture and piercing eyes, stood up from his seat. His eyes filled with fatherly love, lament and relief.

"Amrit," the clan leader Punya Rijal spoke, his voice strong yet filled with emotion. "Where have you been? We were worried sick when you did not return yesterday.Tell us, where have you been?" The room fell silent as Amrit took in the concerned faces of his family and clan members. His heart warmed as he looked around the hall.

Amrit stepped forward, feeling the weight of their gazes upon him. He recounted his journey through the mountains, his encounter with the mysterious assasians. As he spoke, a hush fell over the room. The concerned face replaced with rage and murderous intent filled the hall. The clan leader's expression darkened, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. Words of vengeance and retribution hung heavy in the air as Amrit finished his tale.

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