Chapter 10: Asura

It was about beings called Asura from Hindu Mythology. The legend spoke of a fearsome warrior clan known as the Asura, beings of immense power and unmatched ferocity. It was said that the Asura clan possessed the strength to single-handedly decimate entire armies, leaving a trail of blood and destruction in their wake. Stories of their exploits spread far and wide, striking fear into the hearts of all who dared to challenge them. Beings who brought both destruction and salvation to those who crossed their path. Their presence was a reminder of the thin line between righteousness and vengeance. The three heads and six arms were just the reputation of Asuras not their actual physical body. There may have been some other clans or martial arts with three heads and six arms but it was not Asuras. On the contrary they were very much human in their normal form. They were almost seven feet tall on average with handsome face, silver hair and blood-red eyes, they were beautiful beings by human aesthetics. On the battlefield however some of them grew horns and some of them grew eyes in the middle of forehead. Some of the Asura grew both on battlefield. The Asura were master of weapons. Any weapon you can imagine would be deadly in their hands so much so that it was engraved in their bloodline making newborn Asuras master of weapon at their birth. They may need few months to talk, read and write but they were weapon master from their birth.

Although Asura is mainly synonym with evil and destruction, it was so only after the war with gods. Asura are inherently born kind and merciless. Asura is a given name by Devas meaning not-sura, where sura is another name for Devas or gods. Many gods in the mythology were Asuras the good ones who followed god and basked in legend and there were some who rebelled against gods. Those who rebelled were put in same rank as demons and devils and given the tag of evil and destruction.

 He couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he contemplated the implications of his newfound inheritance bearing the same name. Was it a mere coincidence or a twist of fate that he now possessed the Asura Divine cultivation technique? The weight of such inheritance settled heavily on his shoulders. The realization that he now carried the Asura Divine cultivation technique left Amrit with a sense of unease. The legends he had heard of the fearsome Asura clan and their unmatched power lingered in his mind, casting a shadow over his newfound abilities. He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to his inheritance than met the eye. Was it a blessing or a curse to be linked with such a formidable lineage?

As Amrit started to remember the legend some of the sealed memory came back. The information was in bits and pieces but it highlighted some of Amrit's doubts. First, the inheritance he got was of Asura. He now knew some real secrets of war unlike what was written in mythologies. The good ones who followed god were in fact traitors who wanted to bask in glory of pertaining to be good ones. Asura clan was always united, although there weren't many members like other clans everyone was elite. They were neutral in the war of gods and devils but the gods enticed some members with elixir of immortality which created crack in their unity. After some defected to gods the remaining were furious and confronted the gods but the gods just pitted Asura among themselves giving the name Shura to the traitors.

In reality the gods and devils were afraid of Asura clan. Although the war was going on, if Asura clan remained neutral they could sweep both gods and devils when they were at their last legs. So gods incited some asura and formed crack within their ranks. Even then it was not enough, when Asura went to battlefield they instantly changed the outcome. The stalemate of thousands years of war was broken in just a day. This made both gods and devils fear Asura so much that they abandoned thousands years of war and millions of years of enmity to destroy Asura clan. But how could it be easy to destroy masters of war in war. After several thousands years of battle both gods and devils used their clans most powerful treasures and most of their resources to eradicate the bloodlines of Asura clan. But they were not the only ones with treasures. When the gods and devils used their treasures, the clan leader of Asura used the heirloom and banished themselves from universe. They didn't stay in the Universe, neither the Heaven, the god's dwelling place, the Nether realm or the mundane Mortal realm, the Asuras banished themselves and created an entirely new realm, The Purgatory Realm.

The Asura then became the master of Purgatory Realm where even to this day neither gods nor devils would dare to tread.

After Amrit digested the information he became even more confused. He now knew why Advaya had told him "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." But more questions remained. Who was Advaya? What was his relations with Asura clan, was he still alive? Are there any Asura clan members? Is the Purgatory Realm still there? But he knew knowing more than he should will only be detrimental to his cultivation. He knew why the cultivation technique has first word undecipherable. And one thing he certainly knew was with this inheritance as long as he remained alive, he would be strong, strongest even.

So the only thing that remained for him now was to stay steady and cultivate, growing strong with his clan. He knew he could not utilize all the information in the inheritance by himself and even if he tried he would not have the time to do so. So sending some of this to his clan would only benefit himself. After all the more strong his clan is, the more he gets time to cultivate peacefully.

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