Chapter 18: The Remaining Inheritances

The herb planting inheritance contained information about creating herb field for different types of herbs, the techniques for choosing healthy seeds, preserving their vitality, sowing seeds, transplanting, watering with spirit water, weeding and finally harvesting. Each herbs had different methods. Some needed damp places, some needed maximum sunlight, some needed elevation, some minerals, some bear fruits, some had useful flowers, leaves or roots. Some were so toxic nothing other grew near them, yet they were the best ingredients for detoxifying pills. For herbs with different elemental attunement different herb field needed to be created. Some herbs when planted near each other yielded superior products whereas some needed hosts to siphon off. There were many different herbs mentioned in the inheritance with different requirements, many were normal herbs but more than half mentioned were related to blood and shadow. Although there was no mention of needing human blood or flesh, for any orthodox clan creating blood field for planting herbs was indeed alarming. Other clan would use this as an excuse for crusading against them. Still he engraved them into jade slips. After few minutes he finished and started to engrave another inheritance the talisman inheritance. Now this was genuinely needed for their clan.

Although they had talisman inheritance in their clan it was only of first grade. In Lunaris city except for Ming clan, there was no second grade talisman master. The Ming clan mainly dabbled in spirit techniques so they had advantage in talisman. But if Rijal clan can produce second grade talisman master, it will greatly boost the clan's strength. Imagine a Qi sensing cultivator blasting second grade talisman toward Foundation Building cultivator. This will definitely be trump card for clan. Still it was only a fantasy for now, since there was no second grade talisman inheritance in the clan most clan members had effectively abandoned talisman making. There were only few who were proficient and even few who had reached the peak of first grade. So even if the inheritance was given to those members it may take few years to decade for clan to produce second grade talisman master, not to mention the expenses of cultivating one. It was because although some had reached peak of first grade, the talisman making inheritance was not first class and was on lower end of first grade top tier, most was available in markets in the city.

This was a problem for all the small cultivation families in third tier cities. The cultivation market was not extensive enough and one of the supreme power of this world The Auxiliary Tower which is comprised of most of auxiliary professions. It was combination of all the auxiliary professions in one place. And it would only place its branch on second tier city and above. This is because in third tier cities, the profit is almost zero and barely maintaining balance of profit means loss in their eyes. It is like opening a branch of five-star hotel in village. After engraving talisman inheritance on the jade slip, he was still fine but decided to rest for little bit and give time for his family to examine the inheritances. There were other inheritances in his mind but he decided they were not important at the moment. Some were bizarre and some were downright unorthodox and evil in the eyes of righteous cultivators. Furthermore, the jade slips he had engraved were probably enough for a decade to Rijal clan.

After putting the engraved jade slip on table he looked up to the elders and found them focusing intensely into the inheritance, sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning, sometime they would fall into contemplation and nod after a while. It was like scrolling emoji on his phone. Speaking of phone, oh how he missed his phone and laptop. Now he will never know if One Piece will ever end. After a while they finished going through inheritance and looked at Amrit. "Amrit, this inheritance will take decades to digest properly for our clan. There will be lack of auxiliary cultivators and resources in near future. We can increase our member's presence in Bareback mountains, but it will alert other two families. And buying resources in bulk will result in interference of other families. Even if we go to second tier city Helas, there is a risk of the families there will intercept us for our wealth, after all there are no walls without ears", his grandfather said solemnly. Amrit nodded thoughtfully, absorbing his grandfather's words. His words were true. This is a dog eat dog world. Although the clans with Golden Core Formation realm would not generally care about Foundation Building clans it is because benefits are not enough to put themselves in the gaze of royal family. This is why high grade clans don't attack small clans indiscriminately without life and death feud.

But if someone were to go to second tier city and bought large amount of materials there will surely be someone with malicious intentions. And the whole city is almost always in surveillance by the clans and City lord otherwise there is no telling how chaotic it will be. There is also City lord office in Lunaris city but the city lord is only in middle of Foundation Building realm and with few soldiers, he doesn't interfere with the clan's business. After all most of his cultivation resources comes from clan for turning the blind eye. And the Royal family also doesn't care much about small villages and cities as there were few powerhouses and small number of population. The revenue isn't enough for them to take it seriously. In this world more people doesn't mean more talent or military power, a single Nascent Soul cultivator is enough to protect a small nation. Their single slap is enough to flatten second tier city so unless there is Golden Core Formation cultivator present, the Royal family doesn't interfere in the ruling of city. In case of emergency like more than one third tier spirit beasts broke into city, the City lord can summon help from Royal family to protect the city otherwise, the top families of that city are it's kings.

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