Chapter 29: Recovery

The blood qi leaking from Radha was not particularly menacing, but the expression on her face started to change. It went from calm and collected to surprise, excited and a pained expression began to surface. The other four people in the room were instantly alerted. This was the first time anyone from their clan or in their knowledge had taken the Lesser Blood Essence Restoring Pill. Although they knew the function of the pill, they were in the dark when it came to the process or the effects it showed while ingesting. The three elders probed her with divine sense on the surface. They didn't dare to penetrate inside her body with divine sense as it may cause instinctive reaction harming the divine sense on both sides. As her face showed a pained expression, beads of sweat came from her forehead, mixed with a little bit of black.

The four people had worried expressions on their faces. They could not do anything but watch as interfering early may result in unknown consequences. They were ready to intervene if Radha could not hold on. After five minutes which seemed like an eternity, Radha opened her eyes and spat out black colored blood from her mouth. The place where the black blood landed sizzled and the wooden floor melted a little. Kumari immediately used her alchemy fire and burned it without even the ashes remaining. As Radha opened her eyes and her expression calmed down, the four others in the room also sighed collectively. Her expression meant she was out of immediate danger. After a while, the blood qi around her started to recede and everything became calm.

She looked at the people around her and said "I am fine. I have recovered almost half of my damaged foundation and blood essence. I feel like I will have a breakthrough, can you operate the spirit energy gathering array." Hearing this, the relieved family members became excited and happy. This came as a double happiness. She healed her foundation and is also on the verge of a breakthrough. She was at the seventh stage of the Foundation Building realm. If she broke through, with her status as a Battle cultivator, her strength would reach at the Half-Core realm. It meant the Rijal clan had a cultivator with near-invincible strength at Foundation Realm. Keshab waved his hand and activated the top-tier spirit energy gathering array. He had disabled some of the arrays on the house while he was upgrading previously.

As the array activated, double the concentration of spirit energy came gushing toward Radha. She was surprised at the concentration of energy but she put that thought behind her and began circulating her cultivation technique. No one knew what cultivation technique she cultivated and no one asked her about it either. When Amrit asked about the technique she just smiled and said she would teach him the technique when he became stronger. How much strong, she didn't specify. As she circulated her cultivation technique, the spirit energy funneled towards her with an incredible momentum creating a whirlpool around her.

While Qi cultivators in the Qi sensing realm refined their bodies as a whole to make their bodies more attuned to spirit energy, after breaking into the Foundation Building realm, a dantian is formed in the naval region. Throughout the Foundation Building realm, cultivators polish the accumulated qi in their dantian, purifying it. As they break through stages, the size and purity of dantian increases. At the peak of Foundation Building realm, the accumulated qi begins to liquefy. This is why Half-Core cultivators are significantly stronger than the ninth level of Foundation Building realm cultivators. They have liquefied the qi in their dantian and had almost solidified it. But this is a crucial step for most of the cultivators and the stage where most of them failed. They were limited either by lifespan, talent, resources, or cultivation techniques.

As the spiritual energy rushed towards her, Radha absorbed it with a frenzy. Her body was like a dry sponge soaking up all the surrounding spiritual energy. Gradually she stopped absorbing the energy and a mysterious chill surrounded her. This was not the unorthodox chill but it seemed like it contained traces of water elements. The elders knew her cultivation was related to ice but for Amrit, it was the first time he had seen it. The surrounding air seemed to gradually freeze and turned to snowflakes, more than the moisture contained in the air it was due to the water element spiritual energy present that was gradually freezing and converting to ice element spiritual energy. The frost in the surroundings began to retreat then with a barely audible pop sound everything turned calm. Radha opened her eyes, white had almost covered them, her eyes looked cold like the embodiment of ice.

The white gradually retreated and her brown pupils became visible. Her face turned into a big smile and she said excitedly, "I have finally broken through to the eighth level of Foundation Building realm. Hahaha, my strength has increased significantly." The other four people were full of smiles. Then Kumari turned to her and asked "How much has your foundation recovered actually, I have another pill here." Radha replied "My foundation has been repaired by almost a half, and my blood essence has recovered significantly. But I don't think this pill will recover more of my foundation though with another pill, my blood essence will probably recover fully."

Hearing this Kumari immediately handed her a jade vial with the pill. Radha took it and thanked her "Thank you, mother. But I think I can only take this pill after a week." Kumari realized that she had been too eager. Then Keshab said "Alright you should clean yourself and ponder over your changes. Punya you should take the pill now. There is no point in delaying it." Radha nodded and stood up and went toward the stairs to the second floor. Kumari trailed behind her. Meanwhile, Punya sat on the floor and swallowed the pill. The emotions on his face were the same as that of Radha but Amrit and his grandfather remained calm. After a while, he also spat out black blood onto the ground.

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