Chapter 32: Training

This was the first time Amrit had come to the underground chambers. There were flashes of spirit energy flashing from time to time within the doors. It was like a do not disturb sign in the cultivation world. Those flashes sometimes contain a counterattacking function, so if someone accidentally touches them, they will be in a world of pain. There were no other ornaments except for luminous pearls. The corridor was long and simple. The doors were made of single stone slab. This was the first time for Radha too. She knew there was an underground basement but didn't know how it was. As she was looking around curiously, Kumari reached for the door straight ahead of them and gently pushed it. Just with a touch, the stone slab slid aside and opened the way for the training room. She had just touched the slab and it slid sideways without making any noises. It looked like a high-tech door with biometric security, just place your hand in it and it opens. It was clear that although unadorned, the slab alone contained many arrays.

When the stone slab slid, the light from the training room illuminated the whole corridor and it became bright as day. When Amrit looked inside, he saw a large vacant space with bright light. He followed after Kumari and entered it. When he reached where the stone slab was he saw there were stairs leading to the base. The base was about five meters deep and the height from floor to ceiling was about ten meters. The room was a square with a length of about twenty-five meters. His grandmother then explained to him about the numerous arrays placed there. This place was laden with many fortifying arrays, attack arrays, illusion arrays, noise canceling arrays, and so on. It was strong enough to withstand the attacks of his grandfather. This place had arrays for every occasion like training movement art, defense art, soul techniques, etc.

As the trio made it to the base, Kumari conjured a green fireball and compressed it. She threw it to a distance making it explode. Although the fireball exploded, only a gust of wind was raised, there was no tremor or a loud sound. No specks of dust were falling from the ceiling or rising from the bottom. As the gusts of wind started to settle, everything went to calm as if there had been no explosion before. Although he had expected that he was still surprised seeing the power of his grandmother and the strength of the array inscribed.

Demonstrating the power, she looked at them and said "All right you guys can let loose. Punya will come after a while and I have to prepare for refining more pills. Radha train here and stay with us today. We will be busy in a few days." Radha nodded at her. After saying this Kumari went out of the training room and said "I have already registered your aura for the training room. If you want to go outside just touch the door and it will open." Radha and Amrit looked at each other and Amrit asked "Mother did you know about this underground place." Radha shook her head and replied, "No I had just heard about the stories but never knew these places. Moreover, what is going on with you? Your father was acting sketchy yesterday and when I asked him about it he just brushed it off." Although Radha didn't care about the general affairs of the clan except for battle, when it came to her son, she was overprotective. He knew he wouldn't be able to hide it much longer from his mother so he started telling her about the inheritances.

He told her about the legacies he got, the pill formulas, and the array blueprints as well as the spirit grade martial arts called Spirit Halberd technique. He also told her about his cultivation level being at the peak of Qi sensing realm and how he was also following the path of body tempering. He told her that with the legacy came the mastery of the technique. Radha was livid at first for hiding such things from her but then she thought deeply and calmed down. She glared at him and said "Except for the oaths, I don't want you hiding such secrets from me from now on. Even if I may not be able to help you, you should not hide things from me in the future." As she said that her eyes were filled with tears.

 Amrit felt guilty and apologized "Sorry mother. The issue was sensitive and I didn't know where to start. I won't hide things from you in the future." Hearing this a smile blossomed on her face. She knew she was being excessively overprotective but after losing her daughter she can't help it. Every day she sacrifices a little of her blood to find the state of her daughter. Knowing her daughter is alive gives her motivation to go through the day. Knowing her daughter is all right but not knowing where she is for thirteen years is purgatory for any parent. 

"Okay, I will impart you the Spirit Halberd technique and explain the key movements to you. After father arrives with halberd we will start the training" Amrit said taking out a blank jade slip and engraving the technique. This time there was not much usage of soul power. He handed her the jade slip and she started memorizing the technique. Amrit then showed her the rudimentary techniques and footwork. Half an hour later, Punya arrived in the training room and took three halberds from his storage ring. All three of them were mortal-grade low-tier halberds and were enough for practice. Amrit got the feel of the halberd first and started doing the movements perfectly. He looked like dancing with the halberd but there was no hole in his defense, if someone got closer to him they would either be slashed or pierced. After performing all the variations of the technique twice he stopped and took a deep breath. The muscle memory kicked in and the third time he performed every move with perfection. This was the terror of the Asura bloodline, the born warriors and weapon masters.

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