Chapter 35: A Week Later II

Although there was a city lord manor, it wasn't much stronger. And it was a neutral party. Even if three clans fought to the death, the city lord manor would only watch them from the sidelines and maybe reap profit from their misfortune. And it was also because of the manor's neutrality it had survived till now. Only due to the support of the royal family and being neutral was the city lord manor able to survive. As for the smaller clans, there was no need to mention them. Any elder from the three clans was enough to finish those small clans. Even now these clans were surviving from the soup left by the three clans. But if the balance broke, there will be a bloodbath in the city.

The two clan leaders called for their elders to a meeting. They have to verify this news and assess the impact it will have in the future. If the news was just exaggerated and the inheritance was only of mediocre quality, they would let this go but if it was great, then they will have to take this seriously. They will bring outside help even if they will bleed dry. After all, it is better to be poor than to be dead in the cultivation world. If you are strong enough wealth and lifespan will naturally come to you. So the clan leaders of the two clans Ming and Visigoth Liu Ming and Frideric Visigoth simultaneously activated their spies and informants all over the city. Although few of their people were in the Rijal clan, every small piece of information counts. This was a sensitive time, potentially spelling destruction for their clan so they were not afraid if their spies and informants were exposed. What would be the benefit of hiding their spies if the endgame resulted in their destruction?

The city silently entered an agitated state overnight. Most of the people residing in the city didn't know the undercurrent brewing but there was a sense of unease in the air. Meanwhile, in the Rijal clan, the elders were in unrest. They couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. As Amrit was recalling the past week, his grandmother sent a message on a jade slip informing him about breakfast. The past week had been busy for the family of five. Keshab was busy upgrading the arrays in the clan secretly, Kumari was refining pills and improving her proficiency. The accumulated herbs in the clan were used up rapidly. There were few precious herbs and minerals remaining because they could not make a complete set for refining pills. As for Radha and Punya, after healing their foundation by half and recovering all their blood essence, they were engrossed in cultivating and training. They stabilized their cultivation stage and made a breakthrough in martial arts. The strength of the spirit halberd technique was catching up to the strength of Black Earth sword skill. Maybe within a week, it will catch up.

This is a terror of spirit-grade martial arts. With just a little over a minor achievement stage will catch up with mastery of mortal-grade top-tier martial arts. The only problem was that there were no suitable halberds in the clan treasury hall or even in the city. Even with the inheritance, it will take some time to craft a second grade halberd. Even then it will probably be only low-grade second-tier halberd whereas their clan had few second grade high tier swords. So the absence of good weapon will lower their strength even if the grade of martial arts is great. Thinking about his clan gaining strength rapidly, Amrit went out of the training room into the waiting room. When he arrived there, his parents and grandparents were already seated and there were various dishes on the table. His grandmother said "Amrit you have been spending most of their time in the training room. Be careful not to exert your spirit too much. Take a rest and contemplate on nature once in a while."

Amrit replied "It's okay grandmother, I will stop if I spend my spirit power too much. I don't have a suitable weapon to go all out." Hearing this Punya replied "I have tasked the third elder to learn the halberd blueprint and have prepared materials for him to forge one yesterday. It may take a week or two to forge a second-grade low-tier halberd." At this moment Keshab interjected "How are the elders taking this news? Are there leaks outside? Have you caught some spies?" Hearing this Punya shook his head and replied "I will know the reactions of elders today at the clan meeting. There will be a few with their motives but I can handle them for now. If it comes to a last resort, I will just blame you for this unrest. This will shut them up. As for leaks and spies, I have a few people tracking them but most of them turned out to be small fries. It will be hard to net a big fish."

Hearing his son willing to throw him under a bus he replied in a dramatic tone "Oh the horror to have your own flesh and blood framing their innocent father. Oh the trouble I went through raising them. I didn't eat for a week and slept for a few days. I even had to give up on my position to raise them." Seeing Kehsab had started going for his dramatic rant Punya interrupted him saying "You old man, you were already a Foundation Building cultivator, you didn't need to eat for half a month and sleep for a week. And you forced the position of clan leader onto me." Hearing the comical banter of the father-son duo, others were just laughing silently. Although the supreme elder and clan leader appeared to be imposing and stoic outside, when they were with their family they just let their inner child out. Seeing this will go on for a while Kumari stopped their banter and said "Alright don't behave like kids. There are many important matters to attend to in the clan. Although the news of inheritance has leaked the other clans won't act without enough proof. But when they get the full details of the contents of inheritances, the war will start. So we should prepare some failsafe measures and hoard resources secretly."

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